Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
516.000 | Appendix B – Instructional Workload Policy
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 03/28/2022
Instructional Workload Policy
In accordance with Article 24 of the Memorandum of Understanding with the University Council-AFT, workload values for instructional offerings and course equivalencies shall be established for each department, program or unit. Campus divisional rate cards shall spell out these workload values. Rate cards must be reviewed by the Divisional Committee on Academic Personnel (DCAP) and approved by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
The full time (100%) instructional workload standard for unit members for an academic year is 8 instructional workload courses (IWC) or the equivalent. An IWC is defined as an instructional offering that is regularly scheduled, requires significant academic preparation by an individual Unit 18 faculty member independently (e.g. syllabus development, lesson planning for class meetings, and assignment development), office hours, and/or grading outside the class by the instructor, and meets a minimum of three (3) hours per week.
There must be duties assigned in a quarter to have a percent assigned to the quarter. The IWCs do not have to be evenly distributed. If duties are assigned in more than one quarter, the percent time shall be averaged over the quarters, but shall not be averaged to cover a quarter in which no duties are assigned. If appointment is made one quarter at a time (i.e., at the time the appointment is made there is no commitment to future employment in a subsequent quarter), each appointment must be considered as a discrete appointment. If appointment is made for two or more years, each year should be averaged individually. Such “averaging” may affect eligibility for UCRS membership and other benefits.
Two formulas for determining an averaged percent time follow:
Number of courses & equivalencies x 37.5
—————————————————– = Percent time
Number of quarters
Example: 4 1/3 course equivalencies to be averaged over two quarters:
4.3333 x 37.5 = 162.498
—————– = 81.249% (round to 81.25%)
2 quarters
— OR —
Number of courses & equivalencies
——————————————– = Percent time
Maximum IWCs allowed per quarter *
* (2.6666 for 1 qtr, 5.3333 for 2 qtrs, 8 for 3 qtrs)
Example: 4.3333
——————— = 81.249% (round to 81.25%)
Rate Cards for Unit 18 Members
- Art
- Digital Arts & New Media Program
- Film & Digital Media
- History of Art & Visual Culture
- Music
- Performance, Play & Design
- Applied Mathematics
- Biomolecular Engineering
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering Management Programs
- Statistics
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Feminist Studies
- History
- Philosophy
- History of Consciousness
- The Writing Program
- Languages and Applied Linguistics
- The Humanities Institute
- The Dickens Project
- The Linguistics Research Center
- The Center for Jewish Studies
- Sikh and Punjabi Studies
Division of Physical & Biological Sciences
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Mathematics
- Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology
- Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
- Ocean Sciences
- Physics
- Biomedical Sciences & Engineering
- Coastal Science & Policy
- Science Communication
- Anthropology
- Business Management Economics
- Cognitive Science
- Community Studies
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Studies
- Global Economics
- Latin American and Latino Studies
- Politics
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Legal Studies
- Coastal Science and Policy
- Applied Economics and Finance
Division of Undergraduate Education
- Cowell College
- Stevenson College
- Crown College
- Merrill College
- Porter College
- Kresge College
- Oakes College
- Rachel Carson College
- College Nine
- John R. Lewis College
Workload Examples
Example 1
IWC | Assignment | |
Fall | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course | |
1/3 | charge of language | |
1/3 | advising and committee service which meets Humanities threshold | |
Winter | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course | |
1/3 | charge of language | |
1/3 | advising and committee service which meets Humanities threshold | |
Spring | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course | |
1/3 | charge of language | |
1/3 | advising and committee service which meets Humanities threshold |
TOTAL IWC = 8 for three quarters = 100% appointment
Example 2
IWC | Assignment | |
Fall | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course | |
1/3 | proctor and read placement exams | |
Winter | 1 | 1 course |
Spring | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course | |
1 | 1 course |
TOTAL IWC = 6 1/3 for three quarters = 79.17% appointment
Example 3
IWC | Assignment | |
Fall | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course |
TOTAL IWC = 2 for one quarter = 75% appointment (can’t add another course for Fall without adding a course in Winter)
Example 4
IWC | Assignment | |
Fall | 1 | 1 course |
TOTAL IWC = 1 for one quarter = 37.5% appointment
Then you discover you need to add 3 courses for Winter …
IWC | Assignment | |
Winter | 1 | 1 course |
1 | 1 course | |
1 | 1 course |
TOTAL IWC = 4 for two quarters = 75% appointment for Fall and Winter; you need to revise total appointment.
Divisional Rate Cards
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.