Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
306.240 | Appointment of College Provosts
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 11/01/2017
A. Appointment of College Provosts
Authority for the appointment of college provosts with total compensation below the UC Salary Threshold is delegated to the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education (VPDUE). This includes the authority to make appointments to the titles of Acting and Interim College Provost.
All college provosts, including acting and interim appointees, shall be a member of the Academic Senate with tenure or security of employment.
College provosts are normally appointed for a three-year term. A college provost may be reappointed to subsequent term(s) following a favorable performance review (see CAPM 310.240 for review procedures).
For appointment, continuation of appointment, and reappointment, the candidate or appointee to the titles of College Provost, Acting College Provost, or Interim College Provost:
- Must not have been found in violation of the UC and/or UCSC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment policies within the last 10 years; and
- Must not have been disciplined for violating the Faculty Code of Conduct (APM 015) within the last 10 years (discipline includes a negotiated settlement agreement to resolve the matter). [¹]
College provosts serve at the discretion of the VPDUE. Upon recommendation of the VPDUE, the campus provost/executive vice chancellor may end the appointment at any time after consultation with the chair of the Academic Senate. However, if either of the conditions in subsection i) or ii) above are not satisfied, the campus provost/executive vice chancellor shall terminate the appointment absent this consultation. Termination of a college provost appointment does not terminate the underlying faculty appointment.
B. Procedure to Appoint a College Provost
- The VPDUE shall determine the desired qualifications and develop a description of the duties of the college provost, consistent with CAPM 308.240.
- The VPDUE shall establish a search committee, in consultation with the Senate Committee on Committees. The standard committee composition shall be two members of the Academic Senate (one of whom shall be a current or former college provost), the college administrative officer of the college for which the search is being conducted (or their designee), and other members of the campus community as deemed appropriate by the VPDUE. The names of the search committee members are not confidential.
- The search shall be conducted in accordance with campus academic recruitment procedures. Recruitment documentation shall be completed by the search committee and approved by the VPDUE.
- The search committee shall seek recommendations and advice from college faculty, staff, and students, in addition to other stakeholders deemed appropriate.
- The search committee shall submit its confidential report to the VPDUE who selects the final candidate.
- The VPDUE has the authority to appoint a college provost upon the recommendation of the search committee.
- No search is required for acting or interim appointments due to their temporary nature; such appointments are typically one year or less, and may be extended.
C. Compensation of College Provosts
A college provost is normally appointed for a three-year period and receives an administrative stipend.
- Stipends – Stipend levels for college provosts are set by the campus provost/ executive vice chancellor in accordance with University guidelines established by the Office of the President. The stipend levels are based on the academic college and other funds under the control of the college provost for the previous fiscal year.
Stipends are paid in equal installments on a fiscal-year basis (7/1 through 6/30), using title code 1060, and description of service code “STP.” These stipend payments are subject to any academic range adjustment approved by The Regents.
See applicable campus academic salary scales for current stipend levels for college provosts. - Course Release – College provosts will have a reduced teaching assignment to allow them to fulfill provostial duties. Normally this will be released from half of the departmental teaching load. In addition to departmental teaching, a provost may teach in the college. The distribution of teaching between the college and department will be determined by agreement of the dean and the VPDUE in consultation with the department chair.
- Summer Salary – College provosts have responsibilities that require service during the summer period, and so shall receive 1/9th summer salary for administrative service. This summer salary may be taken during one summer month or spread over two summer months (i.e., 50% each month) at the election of the college provost.
- Additional Sabbatical Credit – Upon completion of three consecutive years of uninterrupted service as college provost, a total of three additional sabbatical credits will be awarded. Thereafter, upon completion of each additional consecutive year of uninterrupted service, one additional sabbatical credit will be awarded. A maximum of nine additional sabbatical credits for service as college provost may be accrued.
Sabbatical leave for a college provost requires the support of the VPDUE and the department chair, and the approval of the divisional dean. Requests for sabbatical leave should conform to the division’s curriculum and leave request deadlines. However, in practice, granting sabbatical leave to a college provost during the period of provostial service is usually not in the institution’s best interest. - College House – Most of the colleges provide a residence on the college grounds, and it is expected that the college provost will live in the college house. In colleges where a college house is not provided, the college provost will receive a housing supplement of $2500 per month on a fiscal-year basis. However, if a college provost elects not to live in the college house, no housing supplement will be provided. If the college provost chooses not to reside in the college house, joint discussions of the VPDUE, the college provost, and the college administrative officer, who will represent both the college and University Housing Services, will determine the alternative use of the college house and its funding.
Whether the college provost is a resident or not, the college house should be used reasonably for social events of importance to the college and the campus; the entertainment of students and parents; gatherings of faculty; recruitment of students during campus open house events; college related development events such as the entertainment of potential donors and friends of the campus from the community; and similar events.
College provosts living in the college house will be required to sign a housing contract.
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Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.