Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
522.290 | Regents’ Professors and Lecturers
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 09/01/2000
A. Definition
Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers are distinguished individuals, ordinarily from nonacademic fields, who through their contact with students and faculty may add to and enrich university life.
B. Deadlines
An annual Call is distributed, usually in fall quarter, by the Committee on Regents’ Professors and Lecturers for nominations for the following academic year.
C. Policy References
APM 290 Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers
D. Terms of Service
See APM 290 for further details.
Regents’ Professors shall be appointed for a quarter or an academic year. Regents’ Lecturers shall be appointed for a period of less than a quarter, but preferably for not less than two weeks.
E. Procedures
Nominations should come from academic units, not individuals. Nominating letters from sponsoring units should include a reasonably detailed proposal for the involvement of the nominee in the unit’s activities, and a biography of the nominee. For example, in the case of a Regents’ Professor, information on 1) any course which the visitor might be asked to teach, 2) their involvement in other programs/courses of the unit, 3) involvement in courses or programs of other units. For a Regents’ Lecturer, similar information should be provided, except that a Lecturer cannot be responsible for a course. Nominations should be forwarded by units to the divisional dean for recommendation and transmittal to the Committee.
The Committee on Regents’ Professors and Lecturers reviews nominations and makes recommendations to the Chancellor, including length of appointment and salary.
The Chancellor has authority to offer appointments to Regents’ Lecturers at a salary not in excess of the salary scale issued by the Office of the President; upon approval of The Regents, the Chancellor has authority to offer appointments to Regents’ Professors.
Upon acceptance of an offer of appointment, the sponsoring division and unit have responsibility for:
- Contacting the individual to set dates for the visit; follow -up correspondence welcoming the individual to the campus and outlining the type of support services which will be available during the appointment, e.g., steno pool, etc. The Academic Personnel Office should receive copies of all correspondence.
- Contacting the individual to set dates for the visit; follow -up correspondence welcoming the individual to the campus and outlining the type of support services which will be available during the appointment, e.g., steno pool, etc. The Academic Personnel Office should receive copies of all correspondence.
- Arranging for office space, telephone, parking pass, etc.
- Assisting the visitor in securing housing and making travel arrangements.
- Contacting appropriate faculty concerning the proposed visit and the availability of the appointee to participate in other campus programs.
- Contacting the Arts and Lectures office regarding a public lecture by the visitor. (Both Arts and Lectures and the Public Information Office are advised of offers of appointment, and should be informed when firm dates for visits are set.)
- Coordinating payment arrangements with the Academic Personnel Office.
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.