Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
506.235 | Acting Professor Series Appointments and Regularizations
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 01/31/2025
A. Policy Reference
Please refer to APM 235, Acting Appointments.
B. Definitions
The “Acting” prefix is used to signify the conditional, probationary, or emergency status of an appointment.
A regularization occurs when an “Acting” appointee is transferred to regular status.
C. Purpose
The “Acting” prefix is placed before the title under the following exclusive circumstances: 1) For Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors who are appointed before all of their formal degree requirements have been completed/accepted, 2) For Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors and Full Professors/Teaching Professors who meet the research/scholarly activity expectations for appointment to a tenured/security of employment position, but who have little or no experience with University teaching.
D. Terms of Service
An Acting Assistant Professor/Acting Assistant Teaching Professor shall be appointed for a specified term, not to exceed one year. The appointment is made contingent upon completion of the formal degree requirement prior to June 30 of the appointment year. If the Acting Assistant Professor/Acting Assistant Teaching Professor has not completed the degree requirements before June 30, they will not be reappointed into any academic title.
Each appointment as Acting Associate Professor/Acting Associate Teaching Professor or Acting Professor/Acting Teaching Professor shall be for a specified term, not to exceed two years. The total period of service with these titles is limited to four years.
There is no exception to the limits on terms of service in the Acting titles.
E. Procedures
1. Appointment to an Acting Title
Recommendations for appointment to an acting status shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures for a regular ladder rank appointment. See CAPM 404.220
Recommendations for “Acting” appointments follow the same deadlines for ladder rank appointments.
2. Regularization of an Acting Assistant Professor/Acting Assistant Teaching Professor
The Acting Assistant Professor/Acting Assistant Teaching Professor is eligible for a review for regularization when the campus has received official certification of the completion of their formal degree requirements.
- The department initiates the regularization by providing a letter to the dean requesting regularization and evidence of official certification of the completion of the formal degree requirements.
- Divisional AHR staff review the documentation for conformity to applicable policy and procedures; they may consult with the dean and staff in the Academic Personnel Office as necessary. Additional information may be requested if necessary.
- Review by the Committee on Academic Personnel is waived for the regularization if no other change to the terms of the initial appointment is recommended.
- Deans have been delegated authority for regularizations of Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors.
- When the regularization is approved, the change in title shall be effective on the first pay date of the quarter following the date of the successful regularization review.
- At the point of regularization to Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor, the term of appointment is automatically extended another year.
3. Regularization of Acting Associate Professors/Acting Associate Teaching Professors and Acting Professors/Acting Teaching Professors With Appointments Conditional Upon Demonstration of Successful University Teaching
The Acting Associate Professor/Acting Associate Teaching Professor or Acting Professor/Acting Teaching Professor is eligible for a review for regularization once there is evidence of successful teaching on the Santa Cruz campus.
- The review for regularization of an Acting Associate Professor/Acting Associate Teaching Professor or Acting Professor/Acting Teaching Professor, whose appointment was made conditional upon evidence of successful teaching, must be joined with the scheduled merit/reappointment review.
- It is expected that an Acting Associate Professor/Acting Associate Teaching Professor or Acting Professor/Acting Teaching Professor will undergo one reappointment/merit review prior to a review for regularization. This allows for sufficient time to develop a campus teaching record.
- The procedures for a regular merit increase will be followed. See CAPM 406.220. However, review by the Committee on Academic Personnel is required and the Executive Vice Chancellor has authority for the regularization regardless of the rank, step or salary proposed by the department as part of the merit/reappointment portion of the file.
- The regularization will have the same effective date as the merit/reappointment action.
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Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.