Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
322.000 | Academic Coordinator Series – UNEX
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 07/01/2002
A. Definition
An Academic Coordinator will develop and coordinate programs for the instruction of English to foreign-born students, including counseling for academic, personal and visa requirements. These programs are tailored to the individual group needs and vary from offering to offering.
B. Policy Reference
Please refer to the Academic Personnel Manual for supplementary information.
APM 140 Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances
APM 145 Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Layoff Policy
APM 150 Corrective Action and Dismissal
APM 158 Rights of Academic Appointees
APM 160 Academic Personnel Records
APM 375 Academic Coordinator Series
APM 710 Sick Leave
APM 715 Family and Medical Leave
APM 730 Vacation
APM 760 Childbearing Leave, Parental Leave, Active Service Modified Duties
C. Criteria
The appointee in this position is required to hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a related field and to have experience in the development of curricular, supervision of teachers, and dealing with individuals from varying backgrounds and cultures. Appointment will be made at Rank I of the series. An Academic Coordinator is expected to attend meetings, conferences, etc., for continued professional growth and to keep up to date with any developments in areas of responsibility. An Academic Coordinator is expected to present papers or lectures at association conferences and meetings.
- Administrative Performance
- Ability to determine and provide for program and student needs as stated in agency contracts.
- Flexibility in responding to program and student needs as stated in student evaluations of teachers and programs.
- Supervision of career and contract teachers.
- Sensitivity in advising students regarding educational and interpersonal transactions while in a foreign environment as communicated by students personally and/or in student evaluations.
- Professional Competence
- Increased level of language proficiency achieved by the majority of students demonstrated by comparing their placement and exit examination scores.
- Interest in continuing professional growth and in keeping up to date with changes in the field as demonstrated by attending professional conferences, meetings and classes, when available.
- Interpersonal skills to interact effectively with staff, teachers, students and counterparts in other Extension units statewide.
- Ability to help students interested in attending university or college classes with required academic plans and preparation of TOEFL exam.
- Continuing scholarship as evidenced by presentations and publications.
D. Terms of Service
Appointments to an Academic Coordinator title may be for one year or less, or for longer periods, not to exceed two years. Appointments may be renewed, at campus discretion, with or without a limit on the number of renewals.
Indefinite end dates are not permitted in this title. Appointments expire upon the end date and additional notice of the ending of the appointment is not required. Reappointment is contingent upon funding and successful review of academic performance.
Termination of appointments will be made with due notice as follows:
- In the event of unsatisfactory performance: not less than a one-month notice will be given.
- In the event of discontinuance of the program, function, or position in the organization: not less than a three-month notice will be given appointees with less than three years’ service; and not less than a three- to six-month notice will be given appointees with more than three years’ service.
- In the event funding is no longer available: not less than a one-month notice will be given whenever feasible.
- For good cause, termination may be made with no advance notice.
The provisions of APM 140 concerning the University Appeals Policy for academic non-Senate appointees shall be applicable for appointees in this series.
E. Salary
Appointees to this title will be paid on a fiscal year basis. The ranges are published in the Academic Salary Scales. Range adjustments will be applied with the same augmentation as that applied to the Academic Standard Table of Pay Rates.
F. Appointment and Advancement
Initial appointments will be at Rank I. Merit reviews normally occur every two years.
G. Authority
Job descriptions will be reviewed by the Academic Personnel Office to determine appropriateness of title use.
The Continuing Education Specialist in charge of the English Language International Program has the authority to recommend an appointment, merit increase or change in level in this title.
H. Review Procedures
Appointments, merits or change in level in the Academic Coordinator title will be initiated by the Continuing Education Specialist in charge of the English Language International Program. The recommendation will be reviewed by the University Extension Committee on Academic Personnel (UECAP). The membership of the committee is as follows: A Continuing Education Specialist from an appropriate department within University Extension, the Associate Dean – Public/Corporate Programs, and the Assistant Dean – International Programs.
The Dean of Extension will review the UECAP report and recommendation, and has authority to make the final decision.
I. Document Inventory
Refer to the Document Inventories for Appointment and Reappointment to Academic Titles approved by the EVC/Dean.
The CES/Supervisor prepares a dossier for appointment/reappointment and includes material enumerated on the Document Inventory. Follow procedures on the Checklist to Assure Fairness for all actions other than initial appointment.
Procedures to be followed for appointment:
The CES/Supervisor prepares a dossier on the recommended candidate and includes the material enumerated on the Document Inventory. Explain any items that are not included. It is not necessary to complete a Checklist to Assure Fairness for appointments.
The CES/Supervisor prepares the letter of recommendation analyzing the evidence and forwards it along with the dossier to the dean’s office.
The staff in the dean’s office reviews the file for conformity to applicable policy and procedures; they may consult with the dean and staff in the Academic Human Resources Office as necessary.
The dean’s office forwards the file to UECAP for review. UECAP reviews the file and forwards their recommendation to the dean.
Any consideration of requested additional information follows the same review process, i.e., CES/Supervisor, dean’s office review, UECAP, and dean.
The dean has authority for the final decision.
Procedures to be followed for merit and reappointment:
The CES/Supervisor shall provide the candidate the opportunity to inspect all non confidential documents to be included in the review file.
The CES/Supervisor shall provide the candidate with a redacted copy (as defined in APM 160-20-c(4) and CAPM 200.160) of the confidential academic review records which will be included in the review file. Refer to section 200.160 for further information concerning confidential documents. The identities of the persons who were the sources of the documents shall not be disclosed. A copy of the redacted confidential documents shall be included in the review file.
The CES/Supervisor shall provide the candidate with the opportunity to submit a written statement in response to, or commenting upon, material in the file. The candidate has ten working days from receipt of the redacted confidential documents in which to respond. The candidate’s written response, if any, must be included in the review file. The candidate is encouraged to notify the CES/Supervisor if the CES/Supervisor waives the response, so that the chairperson can immediately continue the review.
The CES/Supervisor provides the candidate with a copy of the evaluation and recommendation. The identities of the sources of confidential documents shall not be disclosed in the CES/Supervisor’s letter except by alpha code.
The candidate is given an opportunity to submit a written comment on the CES/Supervisor’s letter. This comment may be sent to the CES/Supervisor or dean, at the option of the candidate. If the candidate chooses to send the comment directly to the dean, it shall be confidential from the CES/Supervisor. The candidate has ten working days from receipt of the CES/Supervisor letter in which to comment. The candidate’s comment, if any, shall be included in the review file.
The review file and documents specified in the Document Inventory for Reappointment and/or Merit Review shall be forwarded to the dean’s office. The staff in the dean’s office reviews the file for conformity to applicable policy and procedures; they may consult with the dean and staff in the Academic Personnel Office as necessary. The dean’s office forwards the file to UECAP for review. UECAP shall review the file and add a written recommendation.
If, during UECAP or dean review, the review file is found to be incomplete or inadequate, additional information shall be solicited through the dean’s office. Additional information normally shall be requested in writing from the CES/Supervisor. The CES/Supervisor shall provide the candidate with the opportunity to inspect any non confidential additional information and a redacted copy of any confidential additional information. Copies of any redacted confidential documents shall accompany the additional information for inclusion in the review file. The candidate has ten working days from receipt of the redaction to respond to, or comment upon the file material. The candidate’s response if any, shall accompany the additional information for inclusion in the review file. The CES/Supervisor shall review the additional information and submit a recommendation or comment. The candidate is provided with a copy of the CES/Supervisor comment and has ten working days in which to respond. The candidate may choose to send their response directly to the dean, or the CES/Supervisor. If the candidate responds to the dean, the response is confidential from the CES/Supervisor. The additional information shall be forwarded to the dean, accompanied by a completed Checklist to Assure Fairness for the Submission of Additional Information. The review shall than be based upon the review file as augmented.
The dean shall make the final decision, based upon the review file. The dean shall notify the candidate of the decision in writing with copies to the CES/Supervisor.
other resources
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.