Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
805.633 | Administrative Stipends for Academic Appointees
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 07/01/2011
A. Policy and Eligibility
An administrative stipend may be paid only to individuals who have been appointed to specified academic titles to assume administrative responsibility in addition to their regular academic responsibilities.
Academics appointed to the following titles only are eligible for administrative stipends:
- Academic Assistant to the Chancellor or to the Vice Chancellor
- Academic Senate Chair*, Academic Senate Vice Chair*
- College Provost
- Dean, Associate Dean
- Department Chair, Department Vice Chair
- Director, Associate Director
- Faculty Assistant to the Chancellor or to the Vice Chancellor or to the Dean
- Librarian Manager/Supervisor
- Vice Chancellor, Associate Vice Chancellor
- Vice Provost, Associate Vice Provost
- Interim or Acting appointees in the titles listed above
For information on making appointments to these titles, see the relevant Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) section.
*For information on these titles, see the divisional Academic Senate manual.
B. Authority
See the relevant Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) section or the campus Delegation of Authority Chart to determine the appointing authority for titles listed above, or contact the Academic Personnel Office.
Appointing authorities may approve stipends in conjunction with administrative appointments up to a maximum of 15 percent of the annual salary rate of the individual’s primary academic appointment.
In cases where the appointing authority determines that the additional administrative responsibilities warrant payment of the stipend on a fiscal-year basis, the 15 percent maximum may be based upon the corresponding fiscal-year annual salary rate (refer to Section D for additional information).
Any exceptions to this policy must be reviewed and approved by the Campus Provost/ Executive Vice Chancellor. However, in the case of Deans, the Chancellor retains authority to approve an administrative stipend for temporary additional administrative duties.
C. Restrictions
The assignment of additional administrative responsibilities that exceeds 15 percent time during the academic year service period (or fiscal year if the primary appointment has an 11/12 basis) cannot be compensated by a stipend, but instead requires a percentage-based appointment to a Faculty Administrator title, with a corresponding reduction to the primary academic appointment for the duration of the administrative appointment. (See CAPM 304.241)
There are significant potential funding restrictions on administrative stipends that are paid from non-state funds. As part of the approval process for the administrative appointment, appointing authorities are responsible for confirming that the payment of an administrative stipend is allowed from the fund source.
See CAPM 300.240 for additional restrictions on stipends for Deans.
See Campus Guidelines for Organized Research Units for additional restrictions on stipends for Directors of ORUs.
D. Setting the Stipend Amount
The appointing authority shall establish clear appointment criteria and expectations for the administrative position. The amount of the stipend will be based upon the appointment criteria and expectations, and include consideration of factors such as the size and complexity of the unit, budgeted unit funds, the number of individuals supervised, and the relevant administrative and/or academic leadership experience of the appointee.
Appointments may be made and the corresponding stipend may be paid on an academic-year basis or fiscal-year basis as warranted, depending upon the needs of the administrative area. The maximum stipend amount is 15 percent of the annual salary rate of the individual’s primary academic appointment, or 15 percent of the corresponding fiscal-year rate if the stipend will be paid over 12 months. Any exception to the 15 percent maximum requires review and approval by the Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor.
To determine the fiscal-year rate, multiply the academic-year annual salary rate by 1.16 and round to the nearest $100. [Example: Academic-year salary rate is 89,900 x 1.16 = 104,284; rounded to nearest $100, results in a fiscal-year rate of $104,300. Stipend amount cannot exceed 15 percent of $104,300 paid on a fiscal-year basis; $1303.75 per month for the period July 1 through June 30.]
In the case of College Provosts and Department Chairs, the Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor sets campus-wide stipend levels, which are subject to any academic range adjustment approved by The Regents. (See CAPM 306.240 and CAPM 314.245).
All other stipend rates are negotiated, flat-rate payments (not percentage-based), and therefore are not subject to any general academic range adjustment. Additionally, as flat-rate payments, stipends do not normally increase when the base salary rate of the primary academic appointment increases (e.g., due to merit increase). However, the appointing authority may approve a stipend rate that is explicitly tied to the salary rate of the primary academic appointment. In these cases, the appointment letter for the administrative position must clearly indicate this arrangement.
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.