Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
310.240 | Guidelines for Review of College Provosts
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 05/01/2016
Provostial reviews normally take place during the third year of service and every third year thereafter, if reappointed.
A. Procedure
- The Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education (VPDUE) informs the College Provost of the upcoming review and asks the College Provost to provide the VPDUE with a self-assessment prior to the start of the review.
- The VPDUE will establish a committee, in consultation with the Senate Committee on Committees, to review the performance and accomplishments of the College Provost under review. The standard committee composition shall be two members of the UCSC Academic Senate (one of whom shall be a current or former College Provost), the college administrative officer of the college of the provost under review (or their designee), and other members of the campus community as deemed appropriate by the VPDUE. The VPDUE will provide the College Provost with the names of the review committee members.
- The review committee should seek to provide an assessment of the College Provost’s leadership on campuswide issues of undergraduate education in the college, in the division, and campuswide as defined in the description of College Provost responsibilities (see CAPM 308.240).
- The review committee will solicit written comments from individuals or groups who may provide information on the leadership of the College Provost. Comments should be solicited from college faculty, staff and students, in addition to other stakeholders deemed appropriate by the committee.
- Requests for comments must be in writing, and the solicitation letters or surveys must explain the College Provost’s right to receive redacted copies of responses. No unsigned letters or emails, or undocumented conversations, may be used in the review. Unsolicited letters will be treated as non-confidential unless the writer clearly marks the letter as confidential. See Section B. Access below.
- The review committee will submit a written report to the VPDUE following its review. All evidence upon which the report is based shall be transmitted with this report.
- Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of this report, the VPDUE will meet with the College Provost to review the report. A copy of the report is provided to the College Provost at this time.
- The College Provost has fifteen (15) days to respond in writing, to the report if so desired. Any response will become part of the review file.
- The VPDUE will transmit the College Provost review file to the Academic Personnel Office where it will be kept in the administrative section of the College Provost’s personnel file.
B. Access
The College Provost may request access to the review file at the conclusion of the review process. Access to the solicited, confidential documents (including surveys) will be in the form of redaction; access to non-confidential documents will be in the form of unredacted copy.
C. Consideration of Provostial Service in Professorial Advancement
When the College Provost next undergoes professorial review, the College Provost has the option of adding the review materials, (review committee report, any written assessment by the VPDUE, and any written responses by the College Provost) to the file at the department level. If not added by the College Provost at the department level, the review materials, at the College Provost’s request, may be added by the Academic Personnel Office before the file is forwarded to the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP) for their consideration. After CAP review, the file will be forwarded to the appropriate decision- maker: the Dean, the Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor, or the Chancellor.
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