Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
800.615 | Computation of Rank and Step to Determine Eligibility for Normal Advancement
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 07/01/1991
Computation of rank and step to determine eligibility for normal advancement (Ref.APM 200-19 and 610-9)
Normal periods of service are assigned to the various salary steps in the published Academic Salary Scales and are official university policy. When reviewing each academic appointee within a unit, it is important to know the number of years the individual has served at rank and step in order to determine whether the appointee is eligible for normal (i.e., not accelerated or decelerated) advancement.
A. Nine-Month Basis
Two or more quarters of service at 50% time or more by an academic-year appointee in any one academic year (from the beginning of the summer quarter to the end of spring quarter) count as one full year of service. Less than 2 quarters of service at 50% time or more in any one academic year do not count. (Ref. APM 610-9-c or APM 200-19)
B. Eleven-Month Basis
Six months or more of service at 50% time or more by a fiscal-year appointee in any one fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) count as one full year of service. Less than six months of service at 50% time or more in any one fiscal year does not count. (Ref. APM 610-9-c or APM 200-19)
C. Leave
A period of leave other than sabbatical normally shall not be counted toward years at rank and step. Deans may approve exceptions to this policy at the time the leave is approved if the leave is substantially related to the normal academic position.
Most leaves count toward the eight year limit. Refer to APM 133-17-e for information concerning the “eight year limit” and leaves.
D. Service Under an Acting Title
Service under an ACTING title normally will count toward years at rank and step if the appointee is subsequently regularized. Computation of years at rank and step is not the same as computation of the “eight year rule.” Refer to APM 133 for policy concerning the limitation of service in the Assistant Professor and other titles.
E. Service Under a Visiting Professor Title
Time served in a Visiting Professor Series title does not normally count toward years at rank and step upon subsequent appointment to regular ranks, but may be requested as an exception. Deans have authority to grant such exceptions.
Service in a Visiting Professor Series title at any campus of the University of California counts toward the eight year limit. (Refer to APM 133.)
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.