two people seated on couches in a corner lounge area and engaged in a conversation

Workshops & Training

The Academic Personnel Office (APO) hosts workshops and training designed to provide faculty, staff, and academic administrators with the information and tools needed to successfully navigate academic personnel processes.

Please let us know if you have a documented Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation that will enable or enhance your participation in any of our workshops, trainings, and events, or if you have other accommodation requests.

APO Hosted Workshops & Training

You can filter the list of workshops by selecting an Area of Interest from the dropdown list and/or specifying a specific Workshop. You can also enter a Keyword to narrow the list of workshops to those with a specific word or phrase (e.g., a specific subject matter or intended audience).

Area of Interest


Keyword Search

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General Training & Instructions for OATS

General Campus Faculty (APM 025) resources for faculty, reviewers, and approvers.

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DivData: Department Recommendation

Covers department faculty review for Senate reappointment/advancement files.

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Managing Reviews: After the Candidate Submits their File

The initial audit of a candidate’s dossier is key to a smooth, efficient review process.

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DivData: Letter Solicitation

Best practices in DivData Review letter solicitation.

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Intro to DivData: Administration (People, Find, Reports)

An introduction to DivData’s components and the academic personnel concepts behind them.

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DivData: Call Review Kickoff

Annual refresher for department managers as you begin this year’s on-call review cycle.

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DivData Review: Overview for (new) Managers

Provides an introduction to DivData Review and the role of review managers.

icon of a file folder with a sheet of paper on the outside to indicate a documents folder

Biobibliographies, Annotations, and File Building

Covers how to annotate scholarly/creative work entries in Biobibnet to be included in a Review file.

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Recruit Tips & Tricks

Training for department and college staff who would like to know how to use the system more effectively.

icon with six people to indicate a crowd

Recruit Overview

Designed for new users and for those who want a refresher on how to use the system.

right pointing arrow to indicate progress/advancement

Department Chair Development Series

Senate faculty review guidance for department chairs, program directors, associate deans and college provosts.

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Senate Advancement Review Process for Department Administrators

Detailed walk-through of the policies and procedures for processing a review file for a ladder-rank faculty member’s professorial advancement.

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Advancement Overview for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors

Advancement information for assistant professors and assistant teaching professors.

icon with six people to indicate a crowd

Faculty Recruitment Workshop for Search Committees

Information on the best practices and tools necessary to run successful and compliant recruitments.

Resources Available Through Other Campus Offices

cartoon of a yellow banana slug in front of three redwood trees

Faculty training to develop effective, equitable, and sustainable leadership skills.

a discussion group with participants seated in a circle

Organizations, programs, and other resources to facilitate learning & advancement.

a person cycling down the bike path with Monterey Bay in the distance

Benefits & Retirement Savings,
Pre-Retirement Planning.

Last modified: Dec 11, 2024