Workshops & Training
The Academic Personnel Office (APO) hosts workshops and training designed to provide faculty, staff, and academic administrators with the information and tools needed to successfully navigate academic personnel processes.
Please let us know if you have a documented Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation that will enable or enhance your participation in any of our workshops, trainings, and events, or if you have other accommodation requests.
APO Hosted Workshops & Training
You can filter the list of workshops by selecting an Area of Interest from the dropdown list and/or specifying a specific Workshop. You can also enter a Keyword to narrow the list of workshops to those with a specific word or phrase (e.g., a specific subject matter or intended audience).
Area of Interest
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General Training & Instructions for OATS
General Campus Faculty (APM 025) resources for faculty, reviewers, and approvers.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Senate faculty, reviewers and approvers.
OATS workspace for faculty, how to enter activities, completing prior approval forms, and completing annual certification.
Training resources are available at the UC OATS General Campus Faculty webpage.

DivData: Department Recommendation
Covers department faculty review for Senate reappointment/advancement files.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department managers.
Topics include accurate recommendation entry and what to do if issues with the file arise at this point in the process.
Offered mid- to late summer or early fall. Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to request a session.

Managing Reviews: After the Candidate Submits their File
The initial audit of a candidate’s dossier is key to a smooth, efficient review process.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department personnel — review managers, chairs and personnel directors/committees — who are responsible for managing review files.
This one-hour working session provides time and space to get this work done while highlighting best practices, tips, and options for next steps depending on the results of the initial audit. Evaluating and managing the content of review files, such as confirming that a candidate’s materials are ready for departmental review and soliciting external letters.
Offered mid- to late summer or early fall. Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to request a session.

DivData: Letter Solicitation
Best practices in DivData Review letter solicitation.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department managers.
This one-hour session covers the timing, workflow, material selection, and redaction of digital files.
Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to request a session.

Intro to DivData: Administration (People, Find, Reports)
An introduction to DivData’s components and the academic personnel concepts behind them.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Designed primarily for staff with academic personnel responsibilities who are new to the system, but anyone wanting to refresh or improve their overall understanding of the system and the business processes involved is welcome.
This session (one-hour for department version, two hours for divisions) includes an introduction to DivData and its uses, typical tasks associated with each component, and a high-level overview of key academic personnel concepts as they relate to the system. The goal is to ensure department staff have a solid foundation in understanding and working with the system.
Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to request a session.

DivData: Call Review Kickoff
Annual refresher for department managers as you begin this year’s on-call review cycle.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department managers.
This session highlights best practices in DivData Review setup, initiation, file building, and the all-important initial audit of candidate materials.
Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to register.

DivData Review: Overview for (new) Managers
Provides an introduction to DivData Review and the role of review managers.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Designed primarily for department staff who are new to the review manager role, but anyone wanting to improve their overall understanding of the system and the related business processes is welcome.
This 1-1/2 hour workshop covers general principles and guidelines, workflow steps, and tips to help you prepare for, create, and manage review files.
Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to register.

Biobibliographies, Annotations, and File Building
Covers how to annotate scholarly/creative work entries in Biobibnet to be included in a Review file.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Faculty and other academics up for advancement reviews. Others involved in the process are also welcome.
This workshop, offered upon request, covers the connection of Biobibnet to an active online Review and is tailored to unit needs and can include a process overview, tips, best practices, Q&A, and/or working session.
Typically offered in late Spring through late Summer. Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Contact divdata-training-group@ucsc.edu to request a session.

Recruit Tips & Tricks
Training for department and college staff who would like to know how to use the system more effectively.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department and College Staff who serve as Recruit Analysts.
This training is for users who have some experience using Recruit and it is designed to provide guidance on how to use the system more effectively.
Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.

Recruit Overview
Designed for new users and for those who want a refresher on how to use the system.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department and College Staff who serve as Recruit Analysts.
This training is designed for new Recruit users and for those who want a refresher on using the system.
Offered twice a year via Zoom. Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.

Department Chair Development Series
Senate faculty review guidance for department chairs, program directors, associate deans and college provosts.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Department Chairs, Program Directors, Associate Deans and College Provosts.
Fall Event
Provides all department chairs who steward the senate faculty review process with expert guidance from the perspectives of the VPAA, the Chair of CAP, a dean, and APO, including best practices and strategies to avoid common pitfalls. Held quarterly.
Coffee & Conversations
Offered twice per quarter, these discussions offer relevant and timely topics for Department Chairs, Program Directors, Associate Deans and College Provosts.
Typically offered in the Fall. Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.

Senate Advancement Review Process for Department Administrators
Detailed walk-through of the policies and procedures for processing a review file for a ladder-rank faculty member’s professorial advancement.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
This set of workshops is for new and continuing department managers and chairs who guide and/or process senate faculty review files.
The workshops will include a detailed walk-through of the policies and procedures for processing a review file for a ladder-rank faculty member’s professorial advancement.
To sign up, please use the link below and select the workshop(s) you would like to attend. A calendar invite and Zoom link will be sent prior to the workshop.
Fall 2024 Workshops: Senate Advancement Review Process for Department Administrators
The workshops will be divided into three separate topical offerings (I, II, III). Please read the details below for more information.
I. Introduction to the Ladder-Rank System
This workshop will cover the technical elements of the ladder-rank system at UCSC, including discussion of ranks and steps, normative time, salary practices, and the impact of leaves on review timing, as well as introduce attendees to important web resources. Primary Audience: Department Managers and Department Chairs
Date: Monday, October 9, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Location: Zoom – please sign up online (link above)
II. Conducting the Personnel Review – for Department/Unit Managers
This workshop will highlight new and recent updates to the faculty personnel process and walk through the steps of the personnel review. The focus will be on best practices for supporting your faculty, department, and the application of University policies. Common review issues and impacts due to COVID will be addressed.
Primary Audience: Department Managers
Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: Zoom – please sign up online (link above)
III. Conducting the Personnel Review – for Chairs
This workshop will highlight new and recent updates to the faculty personnel process and walk through the steps of the personnel review. The focus will be on principles of the review, important elements of the process, and common issues. There will be time for questions and discussion.
Primary Audience: Department Chairs (current and incoming)
Date: Monday, October 9, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Zoom – please sign up online (link above)
Further questions may be directed to Ibukun Bloom (ijbloom@ucsc.edu) in the Academic Personnel Office.
Please let me know if there is an accommodation that will enable or enhance your participation in this workshop. You may contact my at ijbloom@ucsc.edu if you have a specific accommodation need.

Advancement Overview for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors
Advancement information for assistant professors and assistant teaching professors.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
Assistant professors and Assistant Teaching Professors.
Topics Covered
This informal session helps participants understand many of the policies and procedures in academic personnel reviews, including leaves of absence and impact of leaves on advancement.
Topics include review eligibility and expectations, types of review, and leaves of absence and impact of leaves on advancement. The sessions are informal and faculty will be able to ask questions pertinent to their own mid-career review, tenure review, eight-year limit, leave eligibility, or other related topic.
Scheduled Offerings
Workshops are typically offered in late May, after the annual CALL. To sign up, please use the link below and select the workshop(s) you would like to attend. A calendar invite and Zoom link will be sent prior to the workshop.
2024 Advancement Overview Workshops for Assistant Professors & Assistant Teaching Professors
For more information, please contact Ibukun Bloom (ijbloom@ucsc.edu) in the Academic Personnel Office.
Presenter: Ibukun Bloom, Academic Personnel Office
Purpose: To help you understand the academic personnel review process including:
- When a review takes place (time at rank and step; quarters of service)
- Why a review takes place (reappointment, merit and salary advancement)
- Leaves of Absences
- What happens during a review (the review process)
Please let us know if there is an accommodation that will enable or enhance your participation in this workshop. You may contact my at ijbloom@ucsc.edu if you have a specific accommodation need.
Workshop Materials & Agenda
1. Introductions
Getting to know one another.
2. Academic Advancement and Salaries
Timing of Reviews
- Eligibility for Reappointment and Merit: “Time at Rank and Step.”
- Mid-Career Appraisal and Tenure: “Quarter Clock” or “Tenure Clock.”
- Tenure Track Illustration.
- Advancement Review Types & Review Periods Summary.
- UC-wide Criteria for Advancement (APM 210 – Review and Appraisal Committees).
3. Leaves of Absence – Including Sabbatical & Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing
4. Stopping the Eight Year Clock – for Chairs
5. Academic Personnel Review Process
Personnel Review Overview
- Flow Chart
- Checklist to Assure Fairness.
- Document Inventory Matrices.
- Bylaw 55 Voting Rights.
- Biobibliography Guidelines.
- Confidential & Non-Confidential Information.
- CAP’s Top 10 Tips for Faculty Preparing Personnel Files.
- Preliminary Assessment: If denial of tenure (CAPM 410.220) or non-reappointment (CAPM 404.220).
6. Resources
The Senate Faculty Resource page provides information about policies and procedures, compensation, advancement and leaves.
Further questions may be directed to Ibukun Bloom (ijbloom@ucsc.edu) in the Academic Personnel Office.

Faculty Recruitment Workshop for Search Committees
Information on the best practices and tools necessary to run successful and compliant recruitments.
Topics covered & scheduled offerings
This workshop is required for all Senate search committee members and their respective Department Chairs.
Presented by the Academic Personnel Office (APO) and the Campus Diversity Officer for Faculty, Herbie Lee. The purpose of this workshop is to provide information on the best practices and tools necessary to run successful and compliant recruitments.
Fair hiring (laws and policies related to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action), key issues for search committees in the faculty recruitment process, evaluation of the contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion statements, and how to effectively document the search process.
Email apo@ucsc.edu for more information.
Resources Available Through Other Campus Offices

Shared Equity Leadership Fellows
Faculty training to develop effective, equitable, and sustainable leadership skills.