rainbow over campus field with a mix of storm clouds and sunshine

The Call

The annual Call for Academic Personnel Actions lists senate faculty and continuing lecturers who are expected to undergo a review in the upcoming academic year.

Summary of Review Eligibility

The review type listed on the Call represents normal advancement, which may differ from the actual review type(s) that the candidate, in consultation with the department chair or unit head, decides to undergo.

The following is a summary of academic personnel policy related to review eligibility and candidates’ advancement options at various career stages.

Professor and Teaching Professor Series

[Please note that while campus policy on the Teaching Professor Series is still pending, expectations for review eligibility and the general guidelines detailed in this section are applicable to faculty members in this series. See the 9/25/19 EVC memo & 10/08/20 CAP/EVC memo; contact APO for any questions.]

A review or a deferral must be processed for all faculty listed on the Call. A department may choose to review faculty members who are not listed on the Call. In addition, a faculty member may request a review. The chair should be helpful in advising the faculty member whether a review is warranted; however, if the faculty member submits a formal request, a review shall be conducted. (CAPM 400.220.9)

Qualifying Service

Two or more full quarters of service at 50 percent time or more by an academic-year appointee in any one academic year (from the beginning of the fall quarter to the end of the spring quarter, as set forth in the academic calendar) count as one full year of a normal period of service. Fewer than two full quarters at 50 percent time or more in any one academic year does not count. (APM 610-9.c.[1])

Six months or more of service at 50 percent time or more by a fiscal-year appointee in any one fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) count as one full year of a normal period of service; fewer than six months of service at 50 percent time or more in any one fiscal year does not count. (APM 610-9.c.[3])

Periods of service on any UC campus, including appointments at zero percent, in any combination of titles listed in APM 133-0, count toward the eight-year limit for Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors. For an academic-year appointee, the eight-year period is defined as 24 complete quarters. (APM 133-17

Periods of leave may impact both eligibility for review and time counted toward the eight-year limit for certain academic titles. (APM 133-17.g , APM 760 )

Eligibility Following a Denial

If a review results in no advancement in rank, step, or salary, the faculty member will be placed on the Call again when another normal period of service has passed. However, candidates are eligible to put themselves forward for review sooner, and work during the previous review period can be submitted again for consideration. (CAPM 400.220.9.c.2.)

If a review results in a salary increase but no advancement in rank or step, the faculty member will not be placed on the Call again nor be eligible again until another normal period of service has passed. Work considered in the review that resulted in a salary increase should not be included again in the subsequent merit review.  (CAPM 400.220.9.c.1)


Candidates will appear on the Call for a reappointment review in the final year of any term appointment. Reappointment reviews may not be deferred. Normally, a reappointment review coincides with a merit increase, promotion, or salary increase review, but the timing may be out-of-sync due to leaves, mid-year hire dates, or quarters taken off the tenure/security of employment (“SOE”) clock.

Midcareer Appraisal 

Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors are listed on the Call for the midcareer appraisal in the year in which they reach 10 quarters of service, normally the fourth year. The appraisal normally occurs in conjunction with a reappointment and merit review; however, the timing may be out-of-sync due to leaves or mid-year hire dates. A standalone midcareer appraisal assesses a candidate’s prospects for tenure/SOE without considering a change in step or salary. 

Midcareer appraisals provide a candidate with valuable feedback about their eventual prospects for tenure/SOE, and should only be postponed in the most exceptional circumstances. Candidates or chairs considering a deferral of a midcareer review should first consult the divisional academic personnel coordinator. (CAPM 408.220

Merit Increases for Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors

The normal period of service at each step of the Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor rank is two years. Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors at Steps 1-3 are listed on the Call for merit review (advancement in step) after every two years of qualifying service. 

Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors with two years of service at Step 4 and/or Step 5 are eligible for a tenure/SOE promotion review; however, they are not placed on the Call for promotion until the 19th quarter of service. An Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor with two years of service at Step 4 but less than 19 quarters will be on the Call for a merit increase to Step 5. An Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor with two years of service at Step 5 but less than 19 quarters will be on the Call for a Salary Increase review. Candidates may request a promotion review if they feel they have generated the necessary record to support a positive tenure/SOE decision. 

Promotion to Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor with Tenure/SOE

An Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor must be either tenured/receive SOE or terminated by the end of 24 quarters of service. Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors are listed on the Call for tenure/SOE promotion in the year in which they reach 19 quarters of service, normally the seventh year. Assistant Professors/Assistant Teaching Professors are eligible to put themselves forward for promotion after two years of qualifying service at Step 4 and/or 5, even if they do not have 19 quarters of service. Promotion in advance of eligibility is considered accelerated and is possible in exceptional circumstances. All candidates must undergo at least one merit review on the campus prior to review for promotion.

Overlapping Steps (Assistant-Associate)

Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor, Step 5 overlaps with Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 1. A maximum of two years of service at Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor, Step 5, may count in lieu of qualifying service at Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 1. Normal promotion after two years of service at Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor, Step 5 is to Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 2. Normal promotion from Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor, Step 5 with less than two years of service is to Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 1, with time served as Assistant Professor/Assistant Teaching Professor, Step 5 counting in lieu of service in calculating eligibility for the subsequent merit to Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 2. (CAPM 407.690)

Tenure/SOE Promotion and Permanent Residency

Appointees who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States are not eligible to hold a tenured/SOE rank with an indefinite end date. Such non-residents are eligible for promotion review under the same timing and criteria as citizens and permanent residents; however, a successful candidate for promotion to a tenured/SOE rank will receive the title Acting Associate Professor/Acting Associate Teaching Professor with a two-year term appointment, with the possibility of reappointment to a subsequent two-year term if necessary. Upon conferral of permanent residency status, the appointment is regularized to Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, with tenure/SOE. (CAPM 506.235)

Merit Increases for Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors

The normal period of service at Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor rank, Steps 1-3, is two years. Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors, Steps 1-2 are placed on the Call for merit review (advancement in step) after every two years of qualifying service. 

Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors are placed on the Call for promotion to full Professor/Teaching Professor after two years of service at Step 3. Candidates who require more time to generate the necessary record for promotion may choose to undergo a merit review instead, for advancement to Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4. (CAPM 407.690)

The normal period of service at Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4, is three years. Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors are placed on the Call for promotion to full Professor/Teaching Professor after three years of service at Step 4. An Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4, who is on the Call for promotion may not present a record of performance in all three areas sufficient to warrant promotion to Professor/Teaching Professor. In those cases where the faculty member’s performance, apart from the deficiency, is extraordinary, the department may wish to recommend a modest off-scale salary increase of one-third or two-thirds of a step. This recommendation must be accompanied by an assessment of the faculty member’s future prospects for advancement. (CAPM 407.690.C.4)

Promotion to Full Professor/Teaching Professor

Candidates are placed on the Call for promotion to the full Professor/Teaching Professor rank when they have served the normative time at Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 3 (two years) or Step 4 (three years). However, candidates are eligible for promotion after six years of service at the Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor rank in any step. Promotion in advance of eligibility is considered accelerated and is possible in exceptional circumstances. All candidates must undergo at least one merit review on the campus prior to review for promotion.

Overlapping Steps (Associate-Full)

Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4 overlaps with Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 1. A maximum of three years of service at Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4, may count in lieu of qualifying service at Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 1. Normal promotion after three years of service at Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4 is to Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 2. Normal promotion from Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4 with less than three years of service is to Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 1, with time served as Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4 counting in lieu of service in calculating eligibility for merit to Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 2.  (CAPM 407.690)

Merit Increases for Full Professors/Teaching Professors

Steps 1-4

The normal period of service for Professors/Teaching Professors, Steps 1-4 is three years, at which point they are listed on the Call for merit review (advancement in step).

Step 5

Service at Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 5 may be of indefinite duration. Except for mandatory five-year reviews, Professors/Teaching Professors at indefinite steps are not placed on the Call. Professors/Teaching Professors with three years of service at Step 5 are eligible to request a Step 6 Review or a Salary Increase Review.  

It is not appropriate for a faculty member to receive a salary increase to a rate equivalent to Step 6 or higher without undergoing a Step 6 review. A candidate at Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 5, with an excellent record who chooses not to proceed with a Step 6 review, but requests review for a salary increase only, may be considered for a modest off-scale increase of one-third or two-thirds of a step in recognition of the faculty member’s overall performance during the review period. (CAPM 803.620.C)

Steps 6-8

Service at Professor/Teaching Professor, Steps 6-8 may be of indefinite duration. Except for mandatory five-year reviews, Professors/Teaching Professors at indefinite steps are not placed on the Call. Professors/Teaching Professors at Steps 6-8 are eligible to request review for merit advancement (including acceleration to Above-Scale where appropriate) after every three years of qualifying service. 

Step 9

Service at Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 9 may be of indefinite duration. Except for mandatory five-year reviews, Professors/Teaching Professors at indefinite steps are not placed on the Call. Professors/Teaching Professors with four years of service at Step 9 are eligible to request an Above-Scale Review or a Salary Increase Review.  

It is not appropriate for a faculty member to receive an above-scale salary without a review for Above Scale status. A Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 9 with an excellent record who chooses not to proceed with such a review, but requests review for a salary increase, may be considered for a modest off-scale increase of one-third or two-thirds of a step in recognition of the faculty member’s overall performance during the review period. (CAPM 803.620.C)


Service at Professor/Teaching Professor, Above Scale may be of indefinite duration. Except for mandatory five-year reviews, Professors/Teaching Professors at indefinite steps are not placed on the Call. Professors/Teaching Professor with four years of service since the last review are eligible for a merit increase review to a higher above-scale salary.  (APM 220-18.b.)

Step 6 Review

Advancement to Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 6 involves an overall career review and is subject to special criteria outlined in APM 220-18/APM 285-19. Advancement to Step 6 usually will not occur after less than three years of service at Step 5.  (APM 220-18.b.[4] / APM 285-19.3)

Initial Above Scale Review

Advancement to Professor/Teaching Professor, Above-Scale involves an overall career review and is subject to criteria outlined in APM 220-18/APM 285-19. Except in rare and compelling cases, advancement will not occur after less than four years at Step 9. (APM 220-18.b.[4] / APM 285-19.3)

Salary Increase Only Review

There are a limited number of instances in which policy permits Salary Increase as the type of review. These are retention cases and cases in which candidates are at “threshold steps” where further step advancement is not possible without a major review: Associate Professor/Associate Teaching Professor, Step 4; Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 5; and Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 9. In all other cases, the recommendation and/or decision may be for a salary increase in lieu of merit or promotion, but the type of review conducted by the department must be a merit or promotion review. (CAPM 803.620)


Deferral may be approved by the department chair for faculty listed on the Call who wish to postpone a review. Deferral may be appropriate for a variety of reasons; however, deferral should not be used to avoid addressing cases of unsatisfactory performance and of less than desirable excellence. (CAPM 402.200.A)

Deferral requests may be approved for a one- or two-year period. Consecutive deferrals are permissible; however, no deferral may be approved that would extend beyond the five-year limit for mandatory review.  (CAPM 402.200.B

Automatic deferrals that result from a faculty member’s failure to meet the deadline established for submission of review materials are for a one-year period only. (CAPM 402.200.A; CAPM 400.220.2)

Following a deferral, candidates will be placed on the Call again after the one- or two-year period has been served. Candidates are eligible to request a review sooner than the approved deferral period, since the normal time at step has already been served.

Mandatory Review

Every faculty member shall be reviewed at least every five years. (APM 200-0) Candidates will be placed on the Call for mandatory review in the fifth year of qualifying service without a review. Mandatory review cannot be declined or deferred by the faculty member. However, should the candidate be on approved medical leave, the commencement of the mandatory review may be delayed until the individual’s return to service. (CAPM 402.200.B

For Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors, Steps 1-3 and Professors/Teaching Professors, Steps 1-4, the mandatory review shall be a regular merit or promotion review because there remains an expectation for advancement at these steps. The Call action in these cases is mandatory merit review (MAMI). For Associate Professors/Associate Teaching Professors, Step 4, the mandatory review Call action will be (MA), and the options for review type are Promotion or Salary Increase Only.  

For faculty at indefinite steps (Professor/Teaching Professor, Step 5 through Above-Scale), the Call action will be mandatory review (MA). This type of mandatory review need not be a review for advancement unless requested by the faculty member. However, given that the candidate’s performance has not been formally assessed for five years, a peer review, including review by the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP), shall be conducted to evaluate the candidate’s performance in the three required areas and to ensure that the candidate’s record during the review period is at least satisfactory.

At a minimum, all faculty undergoing a mandatory review are required to submit an updated biobibliography and a personal statement by the campus deadline or by their department’s deadline, if earlier. If the faculty member does not submit these required materials, the department shall conduct the review based on the material available. (CAPM 402.200)

Unit 18 Continuing Appointees

Merit Increases for Continuing Lecturers

Continuing Unit 18 appointees are placed on the Call for merit review once every three academic years. A Continuing Appointee may request that a merit review be deferred for up to one year. (CAPM 516.000)

A Continuing Lecturer who has received at least two consecutive positive merit advancements (following the initial Continuing Appointment), and is on Call for their next (i.e. third) merit, may request to be reviewed for promotion to Senior Continuing Lecturer. Eligibility criteria and details may be found in CAPM 516.000.VIII – Unit 18 Titles. Please contact your Divisional Academic Personnel Office if a Continuing Lecturer in your unit is eligible and requests this review.

Last modified: Nov 22, 2024