Review Periods


The review period for an academic personnel action begins the day after the cutoff date for review materials considered in their previous action that resulted in advancement. Senate faculty and others on the standard academic-year review cycle submit their materials for work done from July 1 of their previous review year through the June 30 prior to their current review year, one full year prior to the effective date. (Summer is considered a “leading quarter” for these purposes.) To ensure that all work is considered, it is important to include work done during the review year for the previous action.

Example: A professor who advanced to Step 1 effective July 1, 2019 will normally be eligible for review in 2021-22, and the review period would be July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021, covering the 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-2021 academic years.

For the first review conducted after appointment, work done since the faculty member submitted their application may be considered in the initial advancement review; however, greater weight will be given to work done since appointment at UCSC.

Major Actions

For major actions, the review periods are extended as described below. As a reminder, departments must consider all teaching done during the entire review period, but only need to forward those teaching evaluations obtained since the last approved action (evaluations previously not considered in a review).

Mid-career Appraisal: The review period for this action starts with appointment at UCSC. However, work done since the faculty member submitted their application may be included to provide context.

Promotion to Associate Professor: The review period for promotion to tenure includes the faculty member’s entire academic career, with emphasis on work done since appointment to UCSC.

Promotion to Professor: The review period for promotion to Professor includes all work done since promotion to Associate Professor, including the review year of that action.

Merit to Step 6: Advancement to Step 6 may involve an overall career review, however, on the Santa Cruz campus, emphasis should be given to work done since advancement to or appointment at the rank of Professor, including the review year of that action.

Merit to Above Scale: Advancement to Above Scale may involve an overall career review, however, on the Santa Cruz campus, emphasis should be given to work done since advancement to or appointment at a step above Professor, Step 6, including the review year of that action.

Adapted from campus memoranda from the AVC Academic Personnel October 27, 2011, and from the CPEVC June 4, 2015.

Last modified: Nov 21, 2024