Responsibilities of Academic Employees
Related Topics
Standards of Conduct
This section provides a list of policies and codes of conduct that academic employees are expected to follow and uphold.
Policies & Codes of Conduct
Faculty Code of Conduct (APM 015)
Applies to all faculty members, both Senate and non-Senate.
Lecturers’ Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 3
Academic responsibility for all non-senate faculty in their role as teachers.
Academic Student Employees (TAs, GSIs, Readers, Tutors, and GSRs)
See written notice of appointment and its attachments (e.g., General Expectations); TAs see the TA Ethics Course.
Title IX
University of California Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Interim Policy.
University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy.
Respectful Work Environment
University of California Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest Related to Consensual Relationships Policy.
Drug-Free Workplace
UCSC Policy on Substance Abuse.
Ethical Conduct
UC Regents Policy 1111.
UCSC Values
Principles of Community.
Mandatory and Optional Reporting of Misconduct
This section provides mandatory and optional reporting obligations under Title IX, the Abusive Conduct Policy, and CANRA.
Title IX
With few exceptions, all UC employees are required to report sexual harassment and sexual violence (SVSH) to the Title IX Office if a student reports it to them. This responsibility applies to graduate student employees as well. Additionally, faculty, deans, and supervisors are required to report SVSH that is reported to them by faculty or staff.
For more information, see this What Are My Responsibilities?
Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
Managers and supervisors are mandatory reporters of abusive conduct under the Abusive Conduct Policy.
- Department chairs, faculty administrators, and deans are mandatory reporters with respect to the faculty and staff within their respective units.
- Faculty are mandatory reporters with respect to graduate student employees, laboratory researchers, and other laboratory/unit staff who report to them.
Managers and supervisors who observe conduct in the workplace that may constitute Abusive Conduct should immediately consult the applicable office (APO or SHR) regarding appropriate next steps, even if the incident(s) appears to be resolved.
Managers and supervisors who receive a report of Abusive Conduct must immediately submit the report to the applicable office, or directly to reportabusiveconduct@ucsc.edu. When submitting a report directly to reportabusiveconduct@ucsc.edu, managers and supervisors must identify themselves so the applicable office may contact them for further information if necessary.
See UCSC Procedures Implementing the UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy for instructions.
CANRA – Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
Report known or suspected child abuse and neglect pursuant to CANRA.
For details about who is a mandated reporter, procedures for filing a report, and training, refer to the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) resource page.
Complete Required Trainings
Academic appointees must be current with required training to be considered in good standing. See the list of systemwide compliance training requirements below, and log in to the UC Learning Center to take online trainings, check your compliance status, or check the status of those who report to you.
- UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals
- All employees; once per year
- UC Ethics and Compliance (one of two versions, assigned based on title):
- UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers; for those eligible to receive research funding: once per year;
- General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct; for everyone else; currently one-time, subject to change
- Preventing Harassment (one of two versions, assigned based on title):
- UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors, Faculty, MSP; once every 2 years
- UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors; once every 2 years
- UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
- All employees; one time
- UC Workplace Violence Prevention
- All employees; once per year
- Any additional safety or other mandatory trainings assigned based on your specific position and/or department.
Conduct Research with Integrity
Conduct research responsibly and in accordance with university policies, the law, and the rules and regulations of sponsoring agencies.
The Office of Research Compliance Administration provides guidance and training requirements (when required) for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
Avoid Conflicts in Outside Professional Activities
Professors, including Acting titles; Adjunct Professors; Lecturers with Security of Employment, including Acting titles; Deans and other Faculty Administrators are subject to APM 025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members and Designated Other Academic Appointees.
Report Annually; Get Prior Approval When Needed
Those holding appointments of 50 percent or greater in any of the titles listed above are subject to annual reporting and prior approval requirements. Deans and Faculty Administrators have additional reporting requirements. For information and instructions, see Outside Activities Tracking System (OATS).
Report Absences or Hours Worked
- Report your own absences and/or hours worked (the method varies depending on your classification).
AND/OR - Review and approve or deny absences or hours worked by employees whom you supervise.
The Timesheets and Leave Reporting resource page describes the time worked and leave reporting requirements for monthly and biweekly academic employees.
Privacy of Student Records
Maintain the privacy of student records pursuant to federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The UCSC Policy on Privacy of Student Records: A Quick Reference has links to:
- UC guidelines and policies.
- Privacy resources for students and staff.
- Information about required FERPA training.
- What information is public and may be released from student records, and what information cannot be released if a student has requested Non-Release of Public Information.