abstract art of a face formed by wavy lines

Reporting Misconduct

Abusive Conduct is harassing or threatening behavior that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive conduct in the workplace that denies, adversely limits, or interferes with a person’s participation in or benefit from the education, employment, or other programs or activities of the University.

Where Should You Report Your Concern?

The flow chart below is intended to be followed sequentially. If you report misconduct that contains more than one type of allegation, such as sexual harassment and abusive conduct, you should report both concerns to the first office listed. That office will review all policy violations alleged (e.g., if sexual harassment and abusive conduct are alleged, Title IX will review both allegations) and refer or inform other appropriate offices of the matter as necessary.

Flow Chart for Reporting Misconduct

Text Version of Flow Chart for Where to Report Misconduct

Steps for Determining Where You Should Report Your Concern
  1. Are you concerned for your own or others’ physical safety?
    1. Yes–immediate: Call Campus Police (911)
    2. Yes–not immediate but generally: Contact the campus Behavioral Intervention Team EMAIL: bit@ucsc.edu
    3. No: Next Question
  2. Does your concern involve sexual violence, sexual harassment, or discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived gender or sexual identity?
    1. Yes: contact Title IX
    2. No: Next Question
  3. Does your concern involve discrimination or harassment on the basis of other protected category?
    1. Yes: Contact the Office of Equity and Equal Protection (EEP)
    2. No: Next Question
  4. Does your concern involve abusive conduct by an academic employee related to the work that they perform (teaching, research, service, etc.)?
    1. Yes: File a report of abusive conduct
    2. No: Next Question
  5. Does your concern involve a student’s conduct, not in the capacity of their employment?
    1. Yes: Contact the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Education
    2. No: Next Question
  6. Does your concern involve potential research misconduct?
    1. Yes: Contact the Office of Research
    2. No: Next Question
  7. Does your concern involve a Teaching Assistant’s conduct?
    1. Yes: Contact their instructor of record and the department chair for the department of instruction.
    2. No: Next Question
  8. Does your concern involve a Graduate Student Researcher’s conduct?
    1. Yes: Contact their supervisor and the department chair for the department in which they work.
    2. No: Next Question
  9. Do you believe that a Senate Faculty member or other member of the faculty may have violated the Faculty Code of Conduct (APM 015)?
    1. Yes, a member of the Senate Faculty: You may file a Faculty Code of Conduct Complaint. You are encouraged, but not required, to first consult with the Director of Academic Employee Relations. 
    2. Yes, but they are not a Senate Faculty member: Contact the Director of Academic Employee Relations.
    3. No: Next Question
  10. Are you a Senate Faculty and you believe that one or more of your rights or privileges as a Senate member has been violated?
    1. Yes: See the UCSC Academic Senate Grievance Procedures
    2. No: Next Question
  11. Are you a represented academic appointee and you believe that your rights have been violated?
    1. Yes: Contact your union representative. 
    2. No: Next Question
  12. Have you worked within your divisional guidance or protocol for addressing concerns?
    1. Yes: You are encouraged to contact the Director of Academic Employee Relations. And/or, you may want to speak with the campus Ombuds.
    2. No, that is not suitable for my concern: You are encouraged to contact the Director of Academic Employee Relations. And/or, you may want to speak with the campus Ombuds.
    3. No, not yet: You are encouraged to attempt to resolve your concerns at the lowest level and escalate them as needed/appropriate.

Additional Resources

This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this program.

Last modified: Dec 13, 2024