Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
604.340 | Continuing Educator Series
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 06/01/2006
A. Definition
This title series is used for appointees in University Extension who, as professional educators of lifelong learners, represent the University in serving the public through planning, coordinating, and implementing continuing education programs, classes, conferences, short courses, discussion groups, and lectures. They may also produce fine arts events, films, television productions, and other media programs.
B. Policy References
Please refer to APM 340 for more information on this title series.
C. Levels
Appointments may be made to Continuing Educator Levels I – III.
D. Terms of Service
- An appointment is made on a fiscal-year basis (7/1-6/30).
- An appointment shall have a term of up to three years with a specified ending date. The Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor may grant exceptions to allow a term of up to five years.
- A performance review shall proceed any reappointment or merit increase. A performance review and associated salary recommendation shall take place every two years. If the position is to be continued, reappointment will be dependent upon positive evaluation of performance. Such review will take place during the final year of the current appointment.
E. Authority
The Dean of the University of Extension is responsible for administering campus continuing education programs and is authorized to approve appointments, reappointments, merit increases, and changes in level.
F. Appointment
1. Criteria for Appointment at All Levels
The criteria for appointment to titles at all levels will include the appropriate academic and/or professional background and experience. Normally the appointee should have received the highest-level terminal professional degree (e.g. MBA, MFA, MPH) or academic doctorate in the programmatic area. The Dean may also require demonstrated significant professional achievement in the particular programmatic field.
2. Criteria for Appointment to a Specific Level
Generally, a determination of the appropriate level for an appointment or for a change in level shall take into consideration such factors as program size and complexity. See APM 340-10 (c) , Criteria for Appointment
- Continuing Educator I : This level is intended for individuals with responsibility for programs that are relatively simple in their organization and that may be administered with a small support staff, or where local University or community activities have a limited breadth or a narrow focus. The Continuing Educator I will typically receive general supervision.
- Continuing Educator II : This level is reserved for individuals with responsibility for programs of moderate complexity. Duties may include the independent planning and coordination of a program or programs with a moderately-sized support staff, or in a smaller unit, duties that encompass “cross program” or multi-program development/coordination
- Continuing Educator III : This level is ordinarily reserved for individuals with extensive independent academic or administrative responsibility. Appointees at this level have primary responsibility for the administration, management, and coordination of large complex programs. Responsibilities may include the direction and supervision of a large professional staff and/or the administration of a program or programs with a broad interdisciplinary scope and/or innovative programs requiring a high level of professional knowledge and expertise. Appointment at this level requires demonstrated superior professional ability and attainment, evidence of professional achievement and outstanding accomplishment in job-related activities, and greater responsibilities that are typically delegated to Continuing Educators at lower levels. Continuing Educators at level III will normally report directly to the Dean of University Extension or to the Dean’s designee (e.g., an associate dean).
G. Advancement and Merit Increases
- Criteria for Advancement at All Levels.
- Academic planning and curriculum development
- Program administration/management/marketing
- Human resource management and development
- Professional competence
- University and public service
See APM 340 Appendix A for a description of criteria for appointment and merit increases.
- There is no expectation of movement between levels without significant changes in the scope and complexity of the programs being administered.
- July 1 shall normally be the effective date for a merit increase.
H. Procedures
Authority for appointments, merit increases, and movement between levels of Continuing Educators has been delegated to the Dean of University Extension.
- The Checklist to Assure Fairness is not used for this title series.
- Because of the small size of the University Extension unit at UCSC, the standing review committee normally used in these actions will not be appointed.
I. Salary
Salary ranges established for this title series have been issued by the Office of the President:
J. Conditions of Employment
- Appointees accrue sick leave in accordance with APM – 710 , Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave.
- Appointees accrue vacation leave in accordance with APM – 730 , Leaves of Absence/Vacation.
- Appointees are not eligible for sabbatical accrual or leave. Under APM – 758 , appointees are eligible to apply for leave with pay when the leave is in the interest of the University, when the leave will support an appointee’s duties and professional development, and when funding is available from the source which provides the appointee’s salary.
- Appointees may be laid off because of budgetary reasons, lack of work, or programmatic needs, as determined by the appropriate authority, and in compliance with APM – 145 , “Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Layoff and Involuntary Reduction in Time”. Separation following a fixed ending date is not considered a layoff.
- APM – 150 , Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Corrective Action and Dismissal, applies to this series.
- For grievances, see APM – 140 , Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances.
- APM 137 , Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Term Appointments, applies to this series.
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.