Campus Academic Personnel Manual

806.600 | Additional Compensation of Academic Appointees

Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office

Last Revised Date: 12/01/2015


The charts below summarize relevant policy and procedural information and as such do not address every possible situation. To that extent, the information reflected below must be read in conjunction with applicable academic personnel policies and collective bargaining agreements. Such policies and agreements are subject to change. In the event of any conflict, the policies or collective bargaining agreements prevail.

If there are questions, consultation with the divisional academic personnel office and/or Academic Personnel Office ( should occur before any compensation commitments are made and/or service is performed.

If you encounter an accessibility issue with information presented in a table, please contact for assistance.

A. General

  1. Additional compensation is defined in systemwide academic personnel policy (APM 600) as any compensation other than an administrative stipend paid to an appointee by the University in excess of the appointee’s full-time salary. However, certain provisions of the APM 600 series apply to part-time appointees as well.
  2. Academic senate members are recognized for all research, teaching, and service activities in their academic personnel review. Additional compensation is only allowed for limited activities as designated by UC policy, and for additional job-related activities performed during certain off-duty periods (e.g., summer salary for academic-year appointees).
  3. For non-senate appointees, there should be an assessment of whether additional work falls under the umbrella of base compensation, additional compensation, or whether multiple concurrent part-time jobs are more appropriate. This is a case-by-case assessment that takes into consideration issues of recruitment compliance, delegation of authority, academic personnel classification and review criteria, and the nature and timing of the additional activities. Although concurrent employment is separate from additional compensation, information about concurrent employment is included in these charts to assist in these situations.
  4. Additional services above full-time employment, whether compensated or uncompensated, shall not interfere with recognized University duties.
  5. All compensation must be allowable under the terms and conditions of the funding source.
  6. All wages are subject to tax withholding and other applicable deductions. Employees may consult with the Payroll Office regarding gross-to-net calculations.
  7. APO and home division approval is required on all one-time payments and all multilocation appointments.
  8. Activities for which additional compensation is allowed do not count toward the limits on compensated outside professional activities described in APM 025, except where noted in the chart. It is not allowable to use APM 025 days to receive compensation above the one-third (3/9ths), one-twelfth, and one-eleventh limits described in APM 600-14. However, 025 days can be substituted for vacation days to meet time reporting requirements, as noted in the chart.
  9. For compensation of UC retirees, see CAPM 500.205 – Recall of Academic Appointees.
  10. For administrative stipends for academic appointees, see CAPM 805.633 – Administrative Stipends for Academic Appointees.
  11. UCSC does not currently have any degree programs that qualify for compensated additional teaching under APM 662. For additional teaching performed at a different UC campus, consult with APO before any commitments are made.
  12. For definitions of each payment type, see related APM policies:
    1. Honoraria – APM 666
    2. UC Press Manuscript Review – APM 600-14
    3. Faculty Consultant Services – APM 664
    4. Summer Session Teaching – APM 661
    5. University Extension – APM 663
    6. Extramurally Funded Research- APM 667

B. Summary by Payee Type

The following University activities may be sources of additional compensation:

  1. Senate Faculty (Academic-Year Appointees)
  2. Senate Faculty (Fiscal-Year Appointees)
  3. Non-Senate Academics (Academic-Year Appointees)
  4. Non-Senate Academics (Fiscal-Year Appointees)
  5. Registered Students

Senate Faculty (Academic-Year Appointees)

Payment TypeEligibility & RestrictionsAnnual Limit (July 1-June 30)
HonorariumNo state general funds (19900-19999).

Maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 by exception) per event.

Other than for artistic performances, honoraria are not allowed for activities sponsored by the home campus.

Other than for External Review committees and Program Review committees, honoraria are not allowed for committee service done by senate faculty at any campus. 
Honoraria limited to 10% of annual salary
Award or PrizeAllowed; no dollar limit.
No state general funds (19900-19999).

Established award programs only; not ad hoc.
UC PressAllowed; no dollar limit.None
Faculty ConsultantPrior approval from CP/EVC required.

Consulting rate is annual salary divided by 171, plus 30 percent, per day.
Summer Salary for research, non-Summer Session teaching, and other miscellaneous activitiesActivities must take place during the summer service period (between the end of spring and the beginning of fall quarter).

See APM 600 Appx. 1
Counts toward 3/9ths limit 
Summer Session TeachingSummer Session courses that are part of a faculty member’s regularly assigned courseload are not eligible. Counts toward 3/9ths limit
UNEX APM 025 time limits.Counts toward 3/9ths limit
Faculty Recruitment AllowanceSee APM 190, Appendix E
Other Activities (not Summer Salary)Not allowed for full-time appointees. For part-time appointees, contact APO.

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Senate Faculty (Fiscal-Year Appointees)

Payment TypeEligibility & RestrictionsAnnual Limit (July 1-June 30)
HonorariumNo state general funds (19900-19999).

Maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 by exception) per event. Other than for artistic performances, honoraria are not allowed for activities sponsored by the home campus.

Other than for External Review committees and Program Review committees, honoraria are not allowed for committee service done by senate faculty at any campus. 
Honoraria limited to 10% of annual salary
Award or PrizeAllowed; no dollar limit.
No state general funds (19900-19999).

Established award programs only; not ad hoc.
UC PressAllowed; no dollar limit.None
Faculty ConsultantPrior approval from CP/EVC required.

Consulting rate is annual salary divided by 236, plus 30 percent, per day.
Summer SalaryFiscal-year appointees are not eligible for Summer Salary because they are in service during the summer period. For 1/11th and 1/12th payments, see Other Activities below.
Summer Session TeachingSummer Session courses that are part of a faculty member’s regularly assigned courseload are not eligible.

Full-time appointees must report 1 day of accrued vacation per six podium hours– typically 5 days for a 5-unit course. Adjunct Professors can use APM 025 days in lieu of vacation. If neither of these is available, days of leave without pay must be used, and pay will be adjusted accordingly.  
Counts toward 1/12th limit (1/11th for those hired before 7/1/14)
UNEXMay receive additional compensation for UNEX during a period of vacation.

APM 025 time limits apply.
Counts toward 1/12th limit (1/11th for those hired before 7/1/14)
Faculty Recruitment AllowanceSee APM 190, Appendix E
Other Activities Full-time fiscal-year appointees may receive additional compensation for activities done during a period of vacation. Additional compensation should be based on the appointee’s average daily rate (annual salary/261).

Vacation is reported in full day increments. To determine the minimum number of days off that must be reported, divide the additional compensation amount by the daily rate and round down (truncate decimals)*. APM 025 days cannot be used in lieu of vacation. Days of leave without pay can be substituted if necessary, and pay will be adjusted accordingly. Days off should be reported as closely as possible to the activity/event. 
*The minimum number of days is 1.
Counts toward 1/12th limit (1/11th for those hired before 7/1/14)

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Non-Senate Academics (Academic-Year Appointees)

Payment TypeEligibility & RestrictionsAnnual Limit (July 1-June 30)
HonorariumNo state general funds (19900-19999)

Maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 by exception) per event.

Other than for artistic performances, honoraria are not allowed for activities sponsored by the home campus.  Exceptions may be requested for work that is significantly unrelated to the current job.

Other than for External Review committees and Program Review committees, honoraria are not allowed for committee service done at any campus.
Honoraria limited to 10% of annual salary rate
Award or PrizeAllowed; no dollar limit.No state general funds (19900-19999).

Established award programs only; not ad hoc.
UC PressAllowed; no dollar limit.None
Faculty ConsultantFaculty titles only (APM 110-4(15)). Prior approval from CP/EVC required.
Consulting rate is annual salary divided by 171, plus 30 percent, per day.
Summer SalaryActivities must take place during the summer service period (between the end of spring and the beginning of fall quarter)

Activities must be appropriate for additional compensation in the current job, rather than concurrent employment. 
Counts toward 3/9ths limit 
Summer Session TeachingSummer Session courses that are part of a faculty member’s regularly assigned courseload are not eligible. Counts toward 3/9ths limit
UNEXFull-time lecturers may teach one course in UNEX during the academic year; UNEX appointees may do occasional teaching (less frequent than one course/year); other academic appointees may teach in UNEX provided the work is performed exclusively outside the appointee’s regular work hours or if they have received prior approval from their supervisor.

APM 025 time limits apply to Adjunct Professors when UNEX teaching is done during the academic year or during the summer in addition to 3/9ths.
Other Activities For job-related activities during the summer, see Summer Salary above.

Part-time academic-year appointees who are assigned additional job duties during the academic year should receive temporary percent time increases or one-time payments, depending on the duration of the additional activities. Percent time increases are subject to approval by the appointee’s supervisor and delegated hiring authority. Total compensation must not exceed the appointee’s full-time equivalent salary rate.
Concurrent EmploymentWhen additional activities are substantially unrelated to the primary job, an appointee may accept concurrent employment in a different job. A full-time academic-year appointee may accept concurrent employment in a different job during the summer pay period only (July 1 to September 30).

Compensation from a secondary job does not have to be based on the salary rate of the primary job.

Individuals may not be on pay status at more than 100% time, regardless of service dates. During the summer pay period (July 1 to September 30), Summer Salary and concurrent summer employment cannot exceed 100% time on pay status. Academic-year (9/12) appointments do not count toward this limit during the summer.

In addition, an individual’s total effort must not exceed 40 hours/week on average, regardless of the method of compensation. Work that is compensated on a by-agreement (BYA) basis — either as a one-time payment or an appointment per APM 600 Appx 9 — counts toward this 40-hour limit. When determining effort toward the 40-hour limit, it may be necessary to estimate effort in BYA-type jobs.

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Non-Senate Academics (Fiscal-Year Appointees)

Payment TypeEligibility & RestrictionsAnnual Limit (July 1-June 30)
HonorariumNo state general funds (19900-19999).

Maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 by exception) per event.

Other than for artistic performances, honoraria are not allowed for activities sponsored by the home campus. Exceptions may be requested for work that is significantly unrelated to the current job.

Other than for External Review committees and Program Review committees, honoraria are not allowed for committee service done by senate faculty at any campus. 
Honoraria limited to 10% of annual salary
Award or PrizeAllowed; no dollar limit. No state general funds (19900-19999).

Established award programs only; not ad hoc.
UC PressAllowed; no dollar limit.None
Faculty ConsultantFaculty titles only (APM 110-4(15)).
Prior approval from CP/EVC required.
Consulting rate is annual salary divided by 236, plus 30 percent, per day.
Summer SalaryFiscal-year appointees are not eligible for Summer Salary because they are in service during the summer period. For 1/12th payments, see Other Activities below.
Summer Session TeachingSummer Session courses that are part of a faculty member’s regularly assigned courseload are not eligible.

Full-time appointees must report 1 day of accrued vacation (or personal time off for postdoctoral scholars) per six podium hours — typically 5 days for a 5-unit course. For Adjunct Professors, APM 025 days can be used in lieu of vacation. If neither of these is available, days of leave without pay must be used, and pay will be adjusted accordingly.
Counts toward the 1/12th limit
UNEXUNEX appointees may do occasional teaching only (less frequent than one course/year); other full-time academics may engage in UNEX teaching provided the work is performed outside the appointee’s regular work hours or if they have received approval from their supervisor.

APM 025 time limits apply to non-represented faculty.
Other Activities (1/12th payments)Full-time fiscal-year appointees may receive additional compensation for job-related activities done during a period of vacation (or personal time off for postdoctoral scholars). Additional compensation should be based on the appointee’s daily rate (annual salary divided by 261). Additional compensation during vacation is limited to 1/12th of the annual salary rate per fiscal year.

Vacation and personal time off is reported in full day increments. To determine the minimum number of days off that must be reported, divide the additional compensation amount by the daily rate and round down (truncate decimals)*. APM 025 days cannot be used in lieu of vacation. Days of leave without pay can be substituted if necessary, and pay will be adjusted accordingly. Days off should be reported as closely as possible to the activity/event.
*The minimum number of days is 1.

Instead of 1/12th payments, part-time fiscal-year appointees who are assigned additional job duties should receive temporary percent time increases or one-time payments, depending on the duration of the additional activities. Percent time increases are subject to approval by the appointee’s supervisor and delegated hiring authority.
Counts toward the 1/12th limit
Concurrent EmploymentWhen additional activities are substantially unrelated to the primary job, a part-time fiscal-year appointee may accept concurrent employment in a different job.

Compensation from a secondary job does not have to be based on the salary rate of the primary job.

Individuals may not be on pay status at more than 100% time, regardless of service dates.

It is not appropriate for a full-time fiscal-year appointee to accept concurrent employment in a different job during a period of vacation. However, a full-time appointee can temporarily reduce their percent time to accept concurrent employment. Any reduction to the primary job must be in effect for the entire pay period of the secondary job, regardless of service dates. Percent time reductions are subject to approval by the appointee’s supervisor and delegated hiring authority.

In addition, an individual’s total effort must not exceed 40 hours/week on average, regardless of the method of compensation. Work that is compensated on a by-agreement (BYA) basis– either as a one-time payment or an appointment per APM 600 Appx 9 — counts toward this 40-hour limit. When determining the appropriate percent reduction in the primary job, it may be necessary to estimate effort in BYA-type secondary jobs.

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Registered Students

Payment TypeEligibility & RestrictionsAnnual Limit (July 1-June 30)
HonorariumNo state general funds (19900-19999)

Maximum of $2,500 ($5,000 by exception) per event.

Other than for artistic performances, honoraria are not allowed for activities sponsored by the home campus. Exceptions may be granted by the CP/EVC for work that is significantly unrelated to the current job.

Other than for External Review committees and Program Review committees, honoraria are not allowed for committee service done at any campus.
Honoraria limited to 10% of annual salary
Award or PrizeAllowed; no dollar limit.
No state general funds (19900-19999).

Established award programs only; not ad hoc.
UC PressAllowed; no dollar limit.None
Faculty ConsultantStudents are not eligible.
Summer SalaryStudents are not eligible.
UNEXTo ensure that university employment does not interfere with a graduate student’s academic progress, approval from the Dean of Graduate Studies is required for any employment commitment above 50% during the academic year (including UNEX employment).None
Other Activities Part-time appointees who are assigned additional job duties should receive temporary percent time increases or one-time payments, depending on the duration of the additional activities. Percent time increases are subject to approval by the appointee’s supervisor and delegated hiring authority.None
Concurrent EmploymentTo ensure that university employment does not interfere with a graduate student’s academic progress, approval from the Dean of Graduate Studies is required for any employment commitment above 50% during the academic year, except during intersession.

Total combined employment must not exceed 100% on pay status.
Academic-year pay periods are used for determining employment percent limits, regardless of the instruction or service dates of the appointment(s).

For example, an appointee with a spring quarter TA appointment (50% through June 30) can be employed as a GSR up to a maximum of 50% from the end of spring quarter until June 30, and can increase to 100% GSR effective July 1.

TA and AI appointments in Summer Session are considered to be 50%, even if compensated on a by-agreement basis. Therefore, concurrent summer GSR employment is limited to 50% during the Summer Session pay period (e.g., July 1-July 31 for Session I).

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This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.

Last modified: Dec 11, 2024