Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
504.230 | Visiting Appointments
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 10/01/2009
A. Definition
The visiting prefix may be used to designate one who:
- is appointed temporarily to perform the duties of the title to which the prefix is attached; and
- either has held, is on leave from, or is retired from an academic or research position at another educational institution, or, alternatively, whose research, creative activities or professional achievement makes a Visiting appointment appropriate.
The prefix may be used with the following series: professor, astronomer, professional researcher, project scientist, and librarian. The prefix may not be used with the postdoctoral scholar series. Contact the Academic Personnel Office with requests to use the visiting prefix with other titles.
B. Deadlines
Refer to the annual calendar issued by the Academic Human Resources Office or the Division Office.
C. Policy References
Please refer to:
- APM 133 Limitation on Total Period of Service with Certain Academic titles
- APM 230 Visiting Appointments
D. Terms of Service
- Each appointment or reappointment with a visiting title shall be for a specified term not to exceed one year. The total period of consecutive service with a visiting title shall not exceed two years and counts toward the limitation of service explained in APM 133-0.
- In the case of Visiting Assistant Professor Programs in Mathematics, the total period of consecutive service shall not exceed three years.
E. Procedures
The general procedures for making visiting appointments shall be the same as those specified for the corresponding regular academic title. Because a visiting appointment is temporary, and because it usually serves to recognize the title held at another educational institution, requirements for an ad hoc committee are waived. The Divisional Committee on Academic Personnel must review any proposed appointment of one who has not held, or who is not on leave from, a ladder rank position at another educational institution.
Refer to the Delegation of Authority Chart for information concerning who may approve visiting appointments.
F. Explanation of Document Inventory–Appointment to Academic Titles Approved by the EVC or Dean
The beginning blanks should be completed by the department assistant. If there are questions about how to complete them, please contact your division office or the Academic Human Resources Office.
Compiling the dossier: The dossier is compiled by beginning at the bottom of the document inventory. Many of the items must be gathered before the department can complete its review and recommendation concerning the candidate. The dossier contains the material upon which the decision to make the appointment is made.
Candidate’s address for correspondence: This address will be used for any correspondence. Please inform the Academic Personnel Office if the candidate will be at various addresses, or if correspondence should be sent to more than one address.
Student Evaluations (if appropriate): Evaluations from prior UCSC appointments should be submitted, or their absence explained in the department letter. Rarely are evaluations available for candidates without UCSC experience.
Biography Form (l50l): Completed and signed by candidate: This must be completed and signed by every candidate recommended for appointment. Please be sure that the boxes in the upper corners concerning access to confidential information are completed.
Candidate’s Optional Statement: This is a statement by the candidate discussing their qualifications and research program. It is not required; however, it is often helpful for other reviewers. The candidate may include any information the candidate desires in this statement.
Any Record of Discussion with the Candidate Concerning Role, Rank, Salary, Facilities, or Support (may be included in the department letter): Please indicate any special wording or special arrangements to be included in the offer letter.
Extramural letters (usually three): Units are not normally required to solicit extramural letters for visiting appointments. Letters from the recruitment process are normally used. Contact the Academic Personnel Office for assistance if letters are to be solicited. If letters are solicited, please refer to 404.220, Explanation of Appointment Document Inventory, regarding extramural letters.
Department’s Letter: The chairperson or their designee is responsible for preparing the department recommendation. Departments should establish their voting policy for visiting actions in accordance with Bylaw 55 of the Academic Senate.
The department letter shall discuss the proposed appointment in light of the criteria set forth for the corresponding regular title. The letter must be an evaluation of the evidence, not merely an enumeration or list of accomplishments.
The letter should include a recommendation for the title and salary.
Dean’s letter: This contains the recommendation of the dean. An appointment letter is issued in cases where the dean has the authority to approve the appointment.
Affirmative Action Compliance Certification: This is issued by the Academic Personnel Office. AN APPOINTMENT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNTIL THIS CERTIFICATION IS COMPLETE. Please note the search number and the date of compliance on the checklist.
Identifying Blanks at top of Checklist: Most are self-explanatory. Prior or concurrent UC employment is necessary to ascertain any time the individual may have toward the eight year limitation of service.
G. Visiting Assistant Professor Appointments
- Definition
Visiting Assistant Professors are appointed temporarily to perform the duties of an Assistant Professor. All Visiting Assistant Professors are required to engage in teaching, research or creative work, and perform University and public service. A Visiting Assistant Professor has held, or is on leave from, a ladder rank position at another educational institution, or, alternatively, is replacing a ladder rank faculty member who is on leave from UCSC. - Criteria
The criteria for evaluation of a candidate for appointment shall be the same as for Assistant Professor (APM 210-1-d). Because the appointment is temporary, some flexibility may be employed in the application of these criteria. - Terms of Service
Each appointment shall be for a specified term not to exceed one year. The total period of consecutive service with a Visiting title shall not exceed two years. Service on any campus as Visiting Assistant Professor counts toward the eight-year limit (APM 133). - Procedures
- A department may recommend the appointment of a Visiting Assistant Professor as the result of a search or waiver of recruitment. The department chair is responsible for compiling a review file of the material listed on the Document Inventory for the appointment of Visiting titles. The department forwards the review file to the dean for their decision.
- The Divisional Committee on Academic Personnel must review any proposed appointment of one who has not held, or is not on leave from, a ladder rank position at another educational institution.
- Candidates will be notified in writing of the approval of the appointment.
APM 230-18 (Salary), 230-20 (Conditions of Employment), and 230-24 (Authority) also apply to Visiting Assistant Professor appointments.
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Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.