Campus Academic Personnel Manual

324.000 | Guidelines for Review of University Librarian

Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office

Last Revised Date: 09/01/1997

The university librarian is appointed by the chancellor upon the recommendation of the executive vice chancellor and serves at the chancellor’s discretion. The performance review is intended as a means of measuring and enhancing individual, and, in turn, institutional performance, fostering professional development and career growth, determining merit increases, and meeting the internal and external demands for documentation of individual performance. The university librarian will be reviewed periodically, normally no later than the beginning of every fifth year of service. Earlier reviews may be conducted at the discretion of the executive vice chancellor or chancellor. A confidential ad hoc committee appointed by the executive vice chancellor, in consultation with the LAUC Committee for Appointments, Promotion and Advancement and the Senate Committee on Committees, will conduct the review. The review committee will normally include a dean, or former dean, a librarian, and a faculty member.

The university librarian is encouraged to submit a review of accomplishments and unfilled goals to the executive vice chancellor. The university librarian may submit the names of persons familiar with the university librarian’s performance. The university librarian may also provide in writing names of persons who, in the view of the university librarian, for reasons set forth, might not objectively evaluate the university librarian’s qualifications or performance. These documents, along with any other materials the university librarian may wish to have considered, will be available to the review committee. Further information from the university librarian may be solicited by the review committee through the executive vice chancellor.

To accomplish its task, the review committee, via the executive vice chancellor, shall solicit evaluations from individuals, groups, or agencies who may provide information on the leadership of the university librarian. Evaluations must be solicited from students and staff, as well as from faculty and librarians. Written records of any oral communications must be kept by committee members and included in the evidence provided with the final report.

The review committee will prepare a confidential written report for the executive vice chancellor following its review. All written evaluations submitted to the committee shall also be submitted to the executive vice chancellor.

Within thirty days after receipt of the report, the executive vice chancellor will meet with the university librarian to review the report. The university librarian will be given a redacted copy of the report and may request a summary of the confidential material.

The university librarian has ten days in which to respond to the review report; and, if a confidential summary is requested, ten days from the receipt of the summary. Any response will become part of the review record. The executive vice chancellor will write a statement, putting the review in context and offering their own assessment. The university librarian shall be given a copy of the executive vice chancellor’s assessment and will have ten days in which to respond. At the time the university librarian responds, they shall specify whether the review report, the executive vice chancellor’s statement, and any written responses from the university librarian will be added to any subsequent librarian review.

After Conclusion of University Librarian Service

If the university librarian undergoes review as a librarian following conclusion of university librarian service and the university librarian has so specified, the review report, the executive vice chancellor’s statement, and any written responses from the university librarian will be added to the file by the Academic Personnel Office after the file has been forwarded by the review initiator but prior to consideration by the LAUC Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Advancement.

This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.

Last modified: Oct 17, 2024