Campus Academic Personnel Manual

Baskin School of Engineering Instructional Workload Course Equivalents

Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office

Last Revised Date: 11/22/2022

  1. Regularly scheduled 5 credit courses. Attending general faculty meetings and orientations, holding office hours, being available to advise students in the class, supervising T.A.s, readers, and other staff assigned to the course, and grading are considered inherently part of teaching a course, and not eligible for additional compensation.

    = 1.0 course per quarter (37.5%).
  1. A co-taught class carries its normal IWC. The IWC will be assigned on a variable basis dependent upon workload involved for each instructor.
  1. Unless otherwise specifically covered below, courses less than or more than 5 credits will be assigned a pro-rated IWC based on 7.5% per credit (e.g., a 2 credit course = .40 IWC = 15%).
  1. Courses with a lab component carrying student credit hours receive.

    = .20 IWC for a 1-credit lab, .40 IWC for a 2-credit lab, etc.
  1. Courses with significant programming or project requirements or with associated software, hardware, or wet laboratory components, with no additional student credit hours, may be assigned up to an additional .20 IWC if the level of additional faculty involvement and effort is deemed significant.
  1. Curriculum development required by the Department in direct connection with teaching assignment:

    New course = 1/3 IWC per quarter = 12.5%

    Revision of existing course = .20 IWC per quarter = 7.5%
  1. Assigned supervision of individual studies (thesis supervision, supervision of student taught course, course 93, 98, 99, 193, 195, 198, 199, etc.). This responsibility must be assigned to the instructor as a specific responsibility at the time the appointment is made. The assignment of individual study responsibility will not normally be made to instructors who have less than a three quarter appointment. Supervision of graduate level individual studies is not normally allowed.

    = up to 1/3 IWC per quarter = 12.5%. The IWC will be assigned on a variable basis dependent upon workload.
  1. Assigned academic and/or administrative-related responsibilities amounting to up to an average of 5 hours per week which may include but are not limited to: attendance at regularly scheduled meetings, preparation of reports, resource management, supervision of non-academic staff, supervision of student work groups, general service on committees and subcommittees, planning and execution of large events showcasing student work, preparation of reports and proposals, proctoring and reading examinations not associated with an otherwise assigned teaching duty, advising students at large, career mentoring, curriculum revision and development, and other routine administrative tasks typical of the unit member’s discipline but beyond what is inherently required by the unit member’s teaching assignment. These assignments must be approved by the Dean, in advance, in order to be paid. Instructors are not permitted to increase their percent time by volunteering to accept individual studies, administrative duties, or service responsibilities.

    = up to 1/3 IWC per quarter = 12.5%. The IWC will be assigned on a variable basis dependent upon workload.
  1. Unit 18 faculty are not permitted to volunteer to perform without pay individual studies, administrative duties, or service responsibilities, or other duties that are eligible for compensation in accordance with Article 24. All assignments must be approved in writing by the appointing authority in order to be eligible for compensation.

Last modified: Oct 17, 2024