Campus Academic Personnel Manual

A. Evaluation of Non-lecturer Unit 18 Appointees, Including Coordinators of Field Work and Supervisors of Teacher Education

The language of the Unit 18 Contract tends to concentrate on the terms and conditions of employment of those bargaining unit members whose principal duties involve classroom instruction. This may lead to some ambiguity regarding evaluation criteria for those unit members whose principal duties are other than traditional classroom instruction (e.g., Coordinators of Field Work and Supervisors of Teacher Education).

However, Articles 7A, B, C, and D of the Contract do provide general statements of the policies governing appointments and reappointments of all Unit 18 titles and these articles are sufficiently broad to adequately describe the general policy that covers unit members whose primary duties are classroom instruction and those who are not primarily assigned to the classroom.

Articles 7A, B, C, and D of the Contract and CAPM 516.000 give examples of appropriate measures of instructional performance, types of evidence to be used in the evaluation process, and list a number of qualities to be evaluated for both Pre-Six Year and Continuing Appointees in the bargaining unit. The list of qualities to be evaluated tends to concentrate on issues of instructional performance of classroom teachers. This list is clearly a list of examples and is not exhaustive; additional qualities may be defined that are appropriate to the evaluation of unit members whose duties are other than classroom instruction. In order to provide guidance for the review and evaluation of unit members whose duties are other than classroom instruction, additional examples of criteria and evidence to be evaluated for Coordinators of Field Work and Supervisors of Teacher Education are provided in Section B below.

B. Examples of Additional Criteria and Evidence Appropriate to the Evaluation of Coordinators of Field Work and Supervisors of Teacher Education

  1. Criteria: In addition to the criteria given in the Contract and in CAPM 516.000, performance for Coordinators of Field Work and/or Supervisors of Teacher Education is to be measured by evaluation of evidence demonstrating such qualities as:
  1. ability to assist students in preparing for extramural learning experiences;
  2. ability to assist students in locating appropriate off-campus assignments;
  3. ability to develop productive relationships with organizations and agencies that contribute to appropriate off-campus assignments;
  4. ability to maintain the educational standards of extramural learning experiences in accordance with policies set by the academic department or program oversight committee; and
  5. performance on and contributions to assigned responsibilities on academic and administrative committees.
  1. Evidence: In addition to the evidence given in the Contract and in CAPM 516.000, evidence for the evaluation of Coordinators of Field Work and/or Supervisors of Teacher Education is exemplified by the following:
  1. assessments of officials in off-campus agencies who are responsible for providing in field supervision of students enrolled in extramural learning projects;
  2. development of new opportunities for extramural learning experiences by students;
  3. development of effective means of communicating to students the range of extramural learning experiences available; and
  4. assessments by faculty and/or staff or contributions to assigned academic administrative committees.

Last modified: Oct 17, 2024