Campus Academic Personnel Manual

Division of Social Sciences Instructional Workload Course Equivalents

Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office

Last Revised Date: 07/01/2015

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Assigned Responsibility Workload Policy – LECTURERS Weighting
Lecture or Seminar course (5 unit) regularly scheduled – Preparation required1 course (1) (3)
Lecture or Seminar course of unusual difficulty – Preparation required (very large size, very labor intensive pedagogy, etc.)1 & 1/3 course (2)
Lab Section(s) by faculty (separately scheduled in addition to lecture-demonstration)1/3 course (4)
Individual study responsibility assigned as a condition of employment (thesis supervision, supervision of student taught course, courses 93, 98, 99, 193, 198, 199, etc.)1/3 course (5)
Significant department or committee service assigned as a condition of employment (attend department or committee meetings, assignment of advising within the major, assignment to search committee, administer senior examinations, etc.)1/3 course (6)

(1) Includes supervision of TAs assigned to course (if any) and the associated 301 course for TAs. If College Core course, may include some general academic advising of new students. If department or committee course, may include some advising within the major.

(2) These courses are to be defined in advance by the department or committee and should not change from quarter to quarter. If TAs are assigned to this course, supervision of the 301 course is included in assignment.

(3) If College Core course, may include some general academic advising of new students. In department or committee courses, may include some advising within the discipline.

(4) These courses and associated lab sections are to be defined in advance by the department or committee and should not change from quarter to quarter or from instructor to instructor.

(5) This responsibility must be assigned to the instructor as a specific responsibility at the time the appointment is made. Instructors are not permitted to increase their appointment by volunteering to accept individual studies. The assignment of individual study responsibility will not normally be made to instructors who have less than a full time, three quarter appointment.

(6) As with the individual study courses, above, the department duties must be assigned at the time the appointment is made. Instructors may not increase their appointment by voluntarily assuming department duties that were not earlier defined as part of the terms of the appointment. The assignment of department service responsibility will not normally be made to instructors who have less than a full time, three quarter appointment.

Coordinators of Field Work

Coordinators of Field Work are academic appointees who are charged with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of the educational standards and effective functioning of the field work course/ practicum. Other academic duties may include serving on academic and administrative committees.

Since these appointees are not assigned responsibility for the teaching of lecture and seminar courses, their appointments are not course-based as are other Unit 18 members. Rather, Coordinators of Field Work are expected to devote their work time to helping students evaluate and secure field study assignments, locating appropriate field study assignments for students, supervising students who are on field study, assisting faculty who are supervising students on field study, contributing to course sections with regard to field study matters, maintaining appropriate records concerning placement opportunities and students, serving on academic and administrative committees, etc.

Coordinators of Field Work are eleven month appointees. The percent time of their appointment reflects the percent of their time they are expected to devote to duties associated with their appointments.

UCSC:APO Effective 7/15

Supervisors of Teacher Education 

Education Department 

The full time (100%) instructional workload standard for Unit 18 members is 8 instructional workload courses (IWC) or the equivalent. An IWC is defined in Article 24 as a regularly scheduled course requiring significant academic preparation outside the class by the instructor, and which meets a minimum of three hours per week.

Assignments must be recommended by the Chair and approved by the Dean in writing, in advance of the assignment, in order to be paid, unless they are simply confirmation of annual assignments by the Chair for a Continuing Appointee.

Supervisors of Teacher Education are not permitted to volunteer to perform individual studies, administrative duties, or service responsibilities, or other duties that are eligible for compensation in accordance with Article 24.

Supervisors of Teacher Education appointments made on a 9/12 basis have a service period of nine months and the salary is paid in twelve monthly installments. The actual service period for each appointment will be established annually by the Director(s) of Teacher Education, based upon the calendar(s) for the school district(s) involved. This service period will be communicated by the Director(s) of Teacher Education to the Supervisor of Teacher Education no later than August 1.

Duties listed on this rate card are not exhaustive but represent typical assignments for the Supervisor of Teacher Education Title in the Education Department.

DutiesDescriptionIWC per Quarter, unless otherwise noted
Supervision of Student TeachersAct as University liaison to schools; Place students in schools based on school district calendars; Counsel individual students; Quarterly Teacher Performance Expectation (TPE) conference with each Cooperating Teacher and Student Teacher; Review Student Teacher lesson plans; Formal observation and evaluation of Student Teachers twice per quarter), which includes meeting with Student Teachers to provide feedback after each of these observations.Typically, 5 student teachers = 1 IWC

It is understood that there may be a fluctuation in this number based on student leaves, student academic performance, etc. Depending upon the timing and/or extent of the fluctuation, additional responsibilities may be assigned, or in some cases a reduction in appointment percentage may be necessary. In any event, no more than 18 student teachers annually shall be assigned to one Supervisor of Teacher Education.
TeachingAll EDUC courses
regularly scheduled as part of the Masters/Credential program
5 unit course = 1 IWC.  If less than 5 units, IWC is prorated in direct relation to the number of units.
ServiceProgram development; School and district outreach; Admissions review team lead; Recruitment of prospective students; Letters of Recommendation and References for all cohort members; Compose weekly newsletters to Student Teachers and Cooperating Teachers; Participate in evening events and presentations; Committee work; EdTPA scoring, analysis, and review.Avg. 70 hours per quarter = 1/3 IWC Typically, each Supervisor of Teacher Education will be assigned 1 IWC for service annually
Additional service may be assigned depending on size of student teacher supervision load and/or course assignments.Examples of additional service include, but are not limited to: Teacher workshop facilitation; Admissions reception team; Program curriculum review; Facilitate speakers and panels for Single Subject or Multiple Subject cohorts, Organize student teaching orientation; Organize cooperating teacher orientations and workshops; Committee work; Additional assigned assessment, evaluation and EdTPA responsibilities; and BCLAD student admissions and advising.Avg. 17.5 hours= 1/12 IWC
Avg. 35 hours = 1/6 IWC
Avg. 70 hours = 1/3 IWC
Avg. 105 hours = 1/2 IWC

Last modified: Dec 11, 2024