Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
Division of Humanities Instructional Workload Credits (IWC)
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 08/08/2022
Assignments must be recommended by the Chair and approved by the Dean in writing, in advance of the assignment, in order to be paid, unless they are simply confirmation of annual assignments by the Chair for a Continuing Lecturer (e.g., not requiring augmentation).
Unit 18 faculty are not permitted to volunteer to perform without pay individual studies, administrative duties, or service responsibilities, or other duties that are eligible for compensation in accordance with Article 24. All assignments must be approved in writing by the appointing authority in order to be eligible for compensation.
Duties listed on this rate card are not exhaustive but represent typical assignments in the Division of Humanities.
A. Regular Scheduled Courses (Applies to Humanities Departments, Program, and Course Sponsoring Agencies for which Humanities has administrative responsibility. Note: See Section D. for the Writing Program.)
Normal duties associated with a course assignment include responsibilities such as holding regular office hours, being available to advise students in the class, attending faculty meetings/orientations, grading and evaluation of students, incidental integration of technology into instruction, writing letters of recommendation, responding to student questions via email during scheduled office hours, supervising Teaching Assistants and other instructional assistants (e.g., Readers and Tutors) assigned to the course, etc.
- Lecture course, 4-5 hours per week regularly scheduled = 1.0 IWC per quarter (37.5%).
- Seminar (LD, UD, Grad – 4-5 hours/week regularly scheduled = 1.0 IWC per quarter (37.5%).
- Co-taught course (same definition as above) = Workload is pro-rated at an agreed upon level by the Chair/Dean up to one IWC/instructor.
If less than 5 units, courses are weighted in direct relation to credit:
4-unit course | .80 IWC/quarter | 30% |
3-unit course | .60 IWC/quarter | 22.5% |
2-unit course | .40 IWC/quarter | 15% |
1-unit course | .20 IWC/quarter | 7.5% |
B. Academic-Related Activities
Assigned responsibilities based on average hours per week/quarter the Dean expects the Unit 18 faculty member to spend on the work assigned, in accordance with the following table (other percentages are possible, based on the per hours per week/quarter formula):
Avgerage Hours/Week | Course Equivalent | Annual % Time | Quarter % Time |
7.5 | 1/2 | 6.250 | 18.750 |
5 | 1/3 | 4.167 | 12.500 |
2.5 | 1/6 | 2.083 | 6.250 |
2 hours + 10 minutes | 1/7 | 1.785 | 5.357 |
1.25 | 1/12 | 1.041 | 3.125 |
- Designated service as a supervisor, advisor, mentor to undergraduate and/or graduate students (e.g., undergraduate majors, honors work, training of Teaching Assistants, Graduate Student Instructors, supervision of readers, tutors, or other instructional assistants).
- Supervision of Individual Studies assigned to the instructor as a specific responsibility.
- Administration of placement and/or proficiency examinations.
- Coordination and supervision of student activities that connect with the academic programs (e.g., student publications, performances, exhibits, special events).
- Development and coordination of internships.
- Course, curriculum or program development required by the department/program that goes beyond that considered to be within the normal responsibilities of an instructor and that is assigned by the Chair and approved by the Dean (e.g., course redesign, development of on-line instructional materials or courses, initial development of digital course, significant web content redesign and management, etc.).
- Special advising, tutoring, coaching, or community outreach programs sponsored by a program or department.
C. Administrative and Service Assignments
Assigned responsibilities based on average hours per week/quarter the Dean expects the Unit 18 faculty member to spend on the work assigned, in accordance with the following table (other percentages are possible, based on the per hours per week/quarter formula):
Avgerage Hours/Week | Course Equivalent | Annual % Time | Quarter % Time |
7.5 | 1/2 | 6.250 | 18.750 |
5 | 1/3 | 4.167 | 12.500 |
2.5 | 1/6 | 2.083 | 6.250 |
2 hours + 10 minutes | 1/7 | 1.785 | 5.357 |
1.25 | 1/12 | 1.041 | 3.125 |
- Committee work for department or program (e.g., standing personnel committee, curriculum development committee, participation in faculty recruitments, general committees or sub-committees etc.).
- General Service for the Department or Program (e.g., preparation of reports and proposals, supervision of non-academic staff and students, routine business inherent to the program or discipline, proctoring and reading examinations not associated with an otherwise assigned teaching duty, advising students at large, and other routine administrative tasks typical of the unit member’s discipline but beyond what is inherently required by the unit member’s teaching assignment).
- Coordination of Programs (e.g., Entry Level Writing Requirement, Language coordination, College Writing Center coordination, College core course coordination, coordination of special College instructional Programs, etc.).
D. Special Workload Exception for the Writing Program Effective July 1, 2022
The following UC Santa Cruz Writing Program courses shall be valued at one and one seventh (1 and 1/7) IWC:
- Writ 1: Intro to Composition
- Writ 1E: Intro to Composition
- Writ 2: Rhetoric and Inquiry
- Writ 2H: Rhetoric and Inquiry
- Writ 25: Writing about Place
- Writ 26: Writing about Language
- Writ 203: Teaching Writing
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