Campus Academic Personnel Manual

Division of the Arts Instructional Workload Credits (IWC)

Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office

Last Revised Date: 08/08/2022

The full time (100%) instructional workload standard for Unit 18 faculty for an academic year is 8 instructional workload credits (IWC) or the equivalent.  Assignments must be recommended by the Chair and approved by the Dean in writing in advance of the assignment in order to be paid.

Unit 18 Faculty are not permitted to volunteer to perform individual studies, administrative duties, service responsibilities, or other duties that are eligible for compensation in accordance with Article 24.

Duties listed on this rate card are not exhaustive but are typical of assignments in the Arts Division.

  1. Regularly scheduled 5-unit courses, including normal duties and responsibilities associated with a course assignment such as holding regular office hours, being available to advise students in the class, attending faculty meetings/orientations, grading and evaluation of students, incidental integration of technology into instruction, writing letters of recommendation, responding to student questions via email during scheduled office hours, supervising Teaching Assistants and other instructional assistants (e.g., Readers and Tutors) assigned to the course, etc. A team-taught class will be assigned IWC’s on a variable basis dependent upon workload involved for each instructor. Unless specifically covered below, courses less than 5 units will be assigned a pro-rated IWC (i.e., 2-unit course = 15% per quarter).

= 1 IWC per quarter (37.5%)

  1. Courses with significant project requirements or with associated software, hardware, or studio/laboratory components (with no additional student credit hours) will have an additional fractional IWC if the assigned duties and responsibilities exceed those of a 5-unit course as described above in section 1. Assigned responsibilities amounting to an average of 5 hours/week/quarter will receive a 1/3 IWC per quarter; other percentages are possible based on the assigned duties and responsibilities.

    = 1/3 IWC per quarter (12.5%)
  1. Studio/laboratory instruction; may include some general academic or discipline-specific advising.

    = 2/3 IWC (25.0%)
  1. General service: Assigned administrative responsibilities involving attendance at regularly scheduled committee meetings, preparation of reports, budget management, supervision of non-academic staff (including paid student workers and non-credit enrolled students), supervision of auditions and examinations, and other routine administrative tasks typical of the unit member’s discipline but beyond that inherently required by the unit member’s immediate teaching assignment.

    = 1/3 IWC per quarter (12.5%)
  1. Individual or independent study responsibility (thesis supervision, supervision of student directed seminars, etc.), averaging 5 hours of work per week, per quarter; other percentages are possible based on the average number of hours assigned per week, per quarter. This assignment will not normally be made to instructors who have less than a three-quarter appointment.

    = 1/3 IWC per quarter (12.5%)
  1. Set design, costume design or technical direction of the annual production program, or production and supervision of an annual concert series, including routine administration, student and professional staff supervision, and supervision of up to 5 independent studies and/or theses.

    = 1/3 IWC per quarter (12.5%)
  1. Curriculum development assigned in direct connection with teaching assignment (for instance, special course preparation and skills maintenance).

    = 1/3 IWC per quarter (12.5%)
  1. Music
  1. Teaching specialized ensembles with intensive recruitment responsibilities (very specific instrumentation required for standard literature).

    = 1/2 IWC per quarter (18.75%)
  1. Teaching small (e.g., Electronic Music, Vocal Repertoire) 2-unit workshop-type courses.

    = 1/3 IWC per quarter (12.5%)
  1. Teaching large ensembles (e.g., University Orchestra, Chamber Singers , Opera Theater), Music 15, 30 or 100, or Porter 80, regardless of number of sections, Teaching Assistants, accompanists, or performances.

    = 1 IWC per quarter (37.5%)
  1. Applied Music Program1:

Applied Music faculty teach lessons on instrument or voice.

  1. Hours under contract may be met with the following assignments as determined by the Department Chair for Applied Music faculty who teach orchestral instruments2:
  • Assisting with University Orchestra rehearsals, including sectionals.
  • Playing in University Orchestra concerts unless a major on-going appointment elsewhere conflicts with other assigned teaching responsibilities.
  • Coaching chamber music ensembles.
  • Coaching instrumental repertoire class.
  • Coordinating chamber music ensembles.
  • Conducting ear-training labs.
  • Giving lecture/demonstrations at regional high schools and performing other outreach to attract students on their instruments.
  1. Hours under contract may be met with the following assignments as determined by the Department Chair for Applied Music faculty who teach non-orchestral instruments (piano, guitar, and voice)3:
  • Assisting with ensembles.
  • Playing with ensembles.
  • Coaching chamber music ensembles.
  • Coaching vocal repertoire class (voice faculty only).
  • Coordinating chamber music ensembles.
  • Conducting ear-training labs.
  • Giving lecture/demonstrations at regional high schools and performing other outreach to attract students on their instruments.
  1. As part of their assigned teaching load, all Applied Music faculty are expected to:
  • Demonstrate performance skills by performing solo in the Faculty Showcase Series at least once every two years. This requirement may be waived or modified by prior agreement with the Department Chair. (Note: If Applied Music faculty act as an assisting artist on a recital, they may be paid an honorarium by separate agreement with the sponsoring unit in accordance with APM 666, Additional Compensation: Honoraria).
  • Serve on a jury or scholarship audition panel at least once per year. This requirement may be waived in special circumstances at the discretion of the Department Chair.
  1. Appointment Percentage/Hours Under Contract:
  • Applied Music faculty are appointed based on curricular need. The calculation for all appointments up to 18 percent time per quarter is as follows:
Hours per week:123
Percent of time:6%12%18%
  • All additional assigned hours in excess of three hours per week are calculated at an additional 3 percent time per hour, prorated to 1.5 percent time for additional half hour increments, (e.g., 5.5 assigned hours per week = 25.5 percent time appointment).
  • All such increases to the appointment percentage must be approved in writing by the Dean of the Arts Division and will be calculated on Department enrollment records as of the payroll deadline date for the first full month of each quarter (approximately the end of the third week).

1Students who are enrolled through University Extension are not part of the Arts Division teaching load and therefore, are excluded from the Music Department’s Applied Music Program.

2Small ensemble (chamber music) coaching shall not be considered part of the assigned or expected teaching load unless the letter of appointment, reappointment, or continuing appointment so stipulates.

3Small ensemble (chamber music) coaching shall not be considered part of the assigned or expected teaching load unless the letter of appointment, reappointment, or continuing appointment so stipulates.

Last modified: Oct 17, 2024