Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
514.285 | Teaching Professor Series
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 11/01/2022
POLICY REVISION PENDING TO REFLECT APM CHANGES IN THE TITLE SERIES. Refer to the 9-25-19 CP/EVC memo for details regarding 2019-20 Personnel Reviews in this series.
A. Titles
Titles in this series are:
- Lecturer with Security of Employment (Lecturer SOE)
- Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment (Senior Lecturer SOE)
- Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment – (Lecturer PSOE; full-time basis only)
- Senior Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment – (Senior Lecturer PSOE; full-time basis only)
NOTE: Appointments made at less than full-time as Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE, and the titles Lecturer and Senior Lecturer (both Continuing and “pre-six year”), are not part of this title series but are part of Unit 18, which is discussed separately in CAPM 516.000. (See also the Memorandum of Understanding: Non-Senate Instructional Unit.)
B. Description, Requirements, and Assignment of Titles
- Lecturer titles that have or lead to security of employment are faculty positions designed to meet the long-term instructional needs of the University that cannot best be fulfilled by an appointee in the regular professorial series. These titles are assigned to qualified individuals who engage in teaching, professional activities, and University and public service. Typically, an appointment to this series is for full-time service to the University; an appointment made at less than full-time to any title in this series is exceptional and requires approval by the campus provost and executive vice chancellor (CP/EVC).
- A budgeted FTE must be allocated for any appointment to this series, which will be made only if it is demonstrated that there is a programmatic need for such an allocation.
- Security of employment may be granted only for an appointment at more than half time.
- Appointments to the titles Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer PSOE have specific end dates.
- The title Senior Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer SOE may be assigned to an appointee who provides services of exceptional value to the University and whose excellent teaching and professional accomplishments have made them a recognized leader in their professional field and/or in education.
- A registered student or candidate for a higher degree at the University of California is not eligible for appointment to this series.
- Appointees to this series do not accrue sabbatical credit.
C. Policy References
Please refer to the following sections of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) for supplementary information:
- APM – 285 Lecturer with Security of Employment Series
- APM – 135 Academic Appointees – Security of Employment
- APM – 200 Appointments and Promotion (General)
- APM – 210-3 Instructions to Review Committees (Lecturers SOE Series)
- APM – 220 Appointment and Promotion/Professor Series
D. Criteria
A candidate for appointment, merit increase, or promotion in this series shall be evaluated based on achievements in the following areas: teaching, professional achievement and activity, and University and public service. Under no circumstances will security of employment be conferred unless there is clear documentation of outstanding teaching.
The criteria set forth below are intended to serve as guides for minimum standards by which to judge the candidate, not to set boundaries to exclude other elements of performance that may be considered.
- Teaching: Clearly demonstrated excellence in teaching is required and shall be measured by evaluation of qualities such as:
- command of the subject matter;
- continuous growth in the subject field;
- ability to organize material and to present it with force and logic;
- capacity to awaken in students an awareness of the relationship of the subject to other fields of knowledge;
- fostering of student independence and capability to reason;
- ability to arouse curiosity in students and to encourage high standards;
- personal attributes as they affect teaching and students;
- extent and skill of the candidate’s participation in the general guidance, mentoring, and advising of students; and
- effectiveness in creating an academic environment that is open and encouraging to all students.
- Professional Achievement and Activity: A demonstrated distinction in the special competencies appropriate to teaching the particular subject is one of the criteria for appointment and advancement. The candidate’s professional activities should be scrutinized for evidence of achievement and leadership. Intellectual leadership must be documented by materials demonstrating that the candidate has, through publication (either in traditional forms or in electronic format), creative accomplishments, or other professional activity, made outstanding and recognized contributions to the development of the candidate’s special field and/or of pedagogy.
- University and Public Service: Demonstrated quantity and the quality of service by the candidate to the department, the campus, the University, and the public, paying particular attention to that service which is directly related to the candidate’s professional expertise and achievement. Evidence of suitability for promotion may be demonstrated in services to the community, state, and nation, both in the candidate’s special capacities as a teacher and in areas beyond those special capacities when the work done is at a sufficiently high level and of sufficiently high quality. Faculty service activities related to the improvement of elementary and secondary education represent one example of this kind of service. Similarly, contributions to student welfare through service on student-faculty committees and as advisers to student organizations should be recognized as evidence.
- Senior Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer SOE appointments require, in addition:
- qualifications that warrant a salary level equal to or greater than the rank of Professor, Step 1;
- demonstration of senior level professional achievement and experience;
- earned distinction in the subject field comparable to that attained by leading members of the professorial faculty in a similar field; and
- Service of exceptional value to the University.
- Senior Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer SOE appointments and advancements to salaries above Professor, Step 5, require evidence of additional merit and great distinction in teaching, professional achievement and activity, and University and public service.
- Experience and/or professional degree must be appropriate to the course(s) that the candidate is to teach. Evidence of the qualifications of the candidate must be included in the documentation submitted by the recommending unit.
- Due attention should be paid to the variety of demands placed on appointees to this series by the types of teaching called for in various disciplines and at various levels, and the total performance of the candidate should be judged with proper reference to assigned teaching responsibilities.
E. Terms of Service
- Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer PSOE:
- Each appointment and reappointment shall be made for a two-year term only.
- For appointments at more than 50 percent time, total UC service in PSOE titles alone and in combination with certain other titles cannot exceed eight years. For a complete list of the qualifying titles, see APM 133-0.b. Following is a list of qualifying titles that are commonly used at UCSC:
- Lecturer and Senior Lecturer (pre-6 and continuing) at more than 50 percent time;
- Assistant Adjunct Professor at more than 50 percent time; and
- Assistant Professor, Acting Assistant Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor, Acting Associate Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Acting Professor, Visiting Professor at any percentage of time, including 0.
- When an appointment as a Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE is not to be renewed, written notice or pay in lieu of notice shall be provided by the Chancellor as follows:
- With less than one year of service as Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE by the end of the current period of appointment: at least a four-month notice;
- With at least one complete year of service and not more than two years of service as a Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE by the end of the current appointment period: at least a six-month notice;
- With more than two years of service as a Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE by the end of the current appointment period: at least a twelve-month notice.
- Termination of the appointment of a Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE before the expiration of the appointment shall be only for good cause, after the opportunity for a hearing before the Senate Committee on Privilege and Tenure.
- Lecturer SOE and Senior Lecturer SOE: Appointments are of indefinite duration and shall not be terminated except for good cause after the opportunity for a hearing before the Senate Committee on Privilege and Tenure.
F. Senate Membership and Bylaw 55 Voting Rights
- All full-time appointees to any title in this series are members of the Academic Senate, and all less than full-time appointees to any title in this series are not (see Standing Order 105.1).
- Refer to Bylaw 55 for information regarding the possible extension of voting rights to full-time appointees in this series.
G. Salary
- Appointees in this series are compensated at a rate within the published range of the applicable salary scales.
- Senior Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer SOE appointees should be paid at a level no less than Professor, Step 1. For appointment or advancement to salaries above Professor, Step 5, appointees must meet additional criteria (see CAPM 514.285, Section D.5).
- Senior Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer SOE of the highest distinction, whose work has been internationally acclaimed, are eligible for salaries above the top of the range.
- Salary advancement in this series will be based only upon demonstrated growth in the value of the services the candidate renders; it is recognized that this rate of growth will be more variable, and in many cases slower, than for those in professorial positions.
H. Workload
- In general, the department chair is responsible for setting the work assignments of appointees in this series and ensuring that the curriculum is covered.
- Appointees may teach courses at any level. Appointment to this series does not involve responsibility to engage in research. However, as members of the Academic Senate, appointees in this series are expected to participate in the shared governance of the campus.
- Since appointment to this series does not involve the responsibility of engaging in research, an appointee will normally be assigned a heavier instructional load (relative to full-time equivalent service) than that of an appointee in the professorial series. An eight-course workload will normally be assigned for full-time service. This usually translates into six courses taught and course release of two classes given for University service. However, there may be times when additional courses are assigned or additional course release is appropriate for University services rendered above the normal expectations.
I. Eligibility for Review
- General: All titles in this series are included in the annual CALL for academic personnel actions. A review or a deferral must be processed for all Senate faculty listed on the CALL; however, because Lecturer and Senior Lecturer PSOE have term appointments, they are not eligible for deferral (with the exception of a standalone mid-career appraisal, see subsection 2.a.ii below). In addition, the department chair (or equivalent) is responsible for making certain that there is an annual review of the status and performance of each faculty member within the department. Cases of possible eligibility for merit increase or promotion shall be examined. Similarly, cases of unsatisfactory performance shall be examined.
- Normal Period of Service:
- Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer PSOE:
- Appointments shall be made for a two-year term only. A reappointment may or may not be accompanied by a merit increase.
- A mid-career appraisal is normally conducted in the fourth year of service in a PSOE title or combination of titles specified in APM 133-0.b. In unusual circumstances an exception may be requested by the department and dean from the VPAA to conduct the appraisal during the fifth year. No formal appraisal is required if, prior to the normal occurrence of the appraisal, the Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE is being recommended for promotion to take effect within a year, has given written notice of resignation, or has been given written notice of non-reappointment.
- Appointees must be granted security of employment or terminated by the end of the eighth year of service. Promotion is considered normal (i.e., not accelerated or decelerated) for candidates with seven years of service in a PSOE title or combination of titles specified in APM 133-0.b.
- Lecturer SOE: The normal period of service to be eligible for review for a merit increase is three years. Promotion to Senior Lecturer SOE is not normally expected, but may occur when warranted. Review for promotion to Senior Lecturer SOE will normally occur only after a minimum of six years in the title of Lecturer SOE. There is, however, no obligation on the part of the University to promote a Lecturer SOE to Senior Lecturer SOE solely on the basis of years of service.
- Senior Lecturer SOE: The normal period of service to be eligible for review for a merit increase is three years until the salary level is comparable to that of Professor, Step 5. Service at that level and higher may be of indefinite duration; mere length of service and continued performance at the level upon which advancement to a salary comparable to Professor, Step 5, was granted, are not justifications for further salary advancement.
Advancement beyond a salary level comparable to Professor, Step 5, will only be granted on evidence of additional merit and great distinction in teaching, professional achievement and activity, and University and public service, and will not normally occur prior to four years of service since the last increase. Intervals between such salary increases may be indefinite.
- Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer PSOE:
- Acceleration:
- For salary levels below Professor, Step 5: Any salary advancement involving an increase of more than three increments on the applicable salary scale, or occurring less than three years after the last increase, or two increments or two years for a Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE, requires demonstration of unusual contribution and exemplary performance of specified criteria (see CAPM 514.285, Section D).
- For salary levels comparable to or above Professor, Step 5: As service at this level may be of indefinite duration, only in the most exceptional cases where there is strong and compelling evidence will increases at intervals shorter than four years, or involving an increase of more than three increments on the applicable salary scale, be approved.
- Mandatory Review: Lecturer SOE and Senior Lecturer SOE appointees are subject to mandatory review, which cannot be deferred or declined by the faculty member (see CAPM 402.200).
J. Merits & Promotion
- As per APM – 200 and APM – 610, merit increases and promotions are not automatic, but are based on quality of performance, and may be made only within the limits of available funds.
- A promotion is advancement from one rank to a higher rank within the Lecturer with Security of Employment Series. Upon promotion, a Lecturer PSOE becomes a Lecturer SOE; a Senior Lecturer PSOE becomes a Senior Lecturer SOE; and a Lecturer SOE becomes a Senior Lecturer SOE.
- Criteria: As stated in CAPM 514.285, Section D, the criteria for appointment, merit increase, and promotion in this series shall be evaluated based on achievements in the following areas: teaching, professional achievement and activity, and University and public service. Refer to Section D for more complete information regarding criteria. See also APM – 210-3 for additional information regarding criteria and evidence.
- Authority for Merit Increases and Reappointments:
- The dean has authority for all merit increases of three increments or less, provided: The recommendation is not an accelerated action; the Lecturer PSOE or Lecturer SOE’s recommended salary is not at or above Professor, Step 1; and, the Senior Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer SOE’s recommended salary is not at or above Professor, Step 6. The dean has authority for reappointments for Lecturer PSOE and Senior Lecturer PSOE.
- The CP/EVC has authority for any merit increase to a salary level at or above Professor, Step 6; any Lecturer PSOE or Lecturer SOE merit increase where the recommended salary is at or above Professor, Step 1; and for all accelerated merit recommendations.
Authority for Promotion: The chancellor has the authority to grant promotion from Lecturer PSOE to Lecturer SOE and from Senior Lecturer PSOE to Senior Lecturer SOE. The CP/EVC has the authority to grant promotion from Lecturer SOE to Senior Lecturer SOE.
K. Procedures for Appointment, Merits, Promotions, and Mandatory Reviews
Procedures and authority for appointment, review, and advancement shall follow those campus procedures for like actions set out for members of the professorial series, except as otherwise stated in this policy. There are document inventories and checklists to assure fairness specific to this series which must be followed.
Based upon the criteria specified in CAPM 514.285, Section D, and in accordance with eligibility for review as specified in CAPM 514.285, Section I, refer to the following procedures as applicable:
- Appointment to the Lecturer with Security of Employment Series – CAPM 404.220. Refer to the Delegation of Authority Chart for determining authority for appointments to this series.
- Merit Increase – CAPM 406.220.
- Mid-Career Appraisal of a Lecturer PSOE or Senior Lecturer PSOE – CAPM 408.220.
- Promotion – CAPM 410.220.
- Mandatory Review – CAPM 402.200.
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