Teaching Professor Series | Delegation of Authority Chart

Related Policy: CAPM 514.285 | Teaching Professor Series

Delegations of authority refer to the assignment of decision-making responsibilities to a specific individual or group of individuals at UCSC. The chart on this page lists the level of review and authority for each of the indicated titles and actions. If you encounter an accessibility issue with information presented in a table, please contact us at apo@ucsc.edu for assistance.

Delegations for Teaching Professors

Assistant Teaching Professor

ActionsCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Appointment to Steps 1-3, up to the annual salary rate for Teaching Professor, Step 3None*Dean*CAP review required when there is greater than 25% dissenting votes by the Bylaw 55 voting faculty. See 4/8/22 memo
Appointment to Steps 1-3, if annual salary rate is more than Teaching Professor, Step 3CAPCP/EVC
Appointment to Steps 4-5CAPCP/EVC 
Merit ReviewsReappointments& Non-Reappointments 
Reappointment and merit increase when the salary increase does not exceed one and two-thirds stepsCAPDeanRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit
Reappointment and merit increase if the salary increase exceeds one and two-thirds stepsCAPCP/EVCRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit
Reappointment and accelerated meritCAPCP/EVC
Reappointment onlyCAPDean
Non-reappointmentCAPChancellorAd hoc review is normally required, but after consultation with CAP, the CP/EVC may determine that it is not.

In cases of non-reappointment, the candidate is entitled to notice

(cf. CAPM 404.220.C.3.d)
Mid-Career Appraisal
Mid-career appraisals typically include review for reappointment and merit increase; in any event, CP/EVC authorityCAPCP/EVC
Promotion to Security of Employment
Promotion or denial of promotion to Associate Teaching ProfessorCAPChancellorAd hoc review is required if: 1) Department and/or dean recommend acceleration of two or more steps; or 2) Department and/or dean recommend denial of promotion. If promotion to security of employment is denied, the candidate is entitled to 12 months’ notice.

Associate Teaching Professor

ActionsCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Appointment (any step)CAPCP/EVCAd hoc review is required where 1) the department and/or dean does not support the appointment, or
2) the department and dean do not agree on proposed rank and/or step.
Merit Reviews & 
Merit increase when the salary increase does not exceed one and two-thirds stepsCAPDeanRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit  
Merit increase if the salary increase exceeds one and two-thirds stepsCAPCP/EVCRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit  
Accelerated meritCAPCP/EVC 
Promotion or denial of promotion to Teaching ProfessorCAPCP/EVCAd hoc review is required if: 1) Department and/or dean recommend acceleration of two or more steps; or 2) Department and/or dean recommend denial of promotion.
Salary Increase Only Reviews 
Salary increase actions for candidates at Step 4 that do not exceed the equivalent of two-thirds of a stepCAPDeanRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit
Salary increase actions for candidates at Step 4 in excess of two-thirds of a stepCAPCP/EVC**Effective 7/1/21 – 6/30/27Deans have authority for salary increase up to a full step.

Teaching Professor

ActionsCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Appointment to Steps 1-9, up to the UC Salary ThresholdCAPCP/EVCAd hoc review is required where 1) the department and/or dean does not support the appointment, or 2) the department and dean do not agree on proposed rank and/or step.
Appointment to Above Scale, up to the UC Salary ThresholdCAPChancellorAd hoc review is required where 1) the department and/or dean does not support the appointment, or 2) the department and dean do not agree on proposed rank and/or step.
Appointment to Steps 1-9 or Above Scale, above the UC Salary ThresholdCAPProvost-Academic Affairs, UCOP
Merit Reviews
Merit increase to Steps 2-5 and 7-9 when the salary increase does not exceed one and two-thirds stepsCAPDeanRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit  
Merit increase to Steps 2-5 and 7-9 if the salary increase exceeds one and two-thirds stepsCAPCP/EVCRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit  
Accelerated meritCAPCP/EVC 
Merit to Step 6CAPCP/EVC
Merit to Above Scale, up to the UC Salary Thresholdor above Indexed Compensation Level with a merit increase of 10% or lessCAPChancellor
Merit to Above Scale, above the UC Salary Thresholdwith merit increase greater than 10%CAPProvost-Academic Affairs, UCOP
Merit to further Above Scale, up to the UC Salary ThresholdCAPCP/EVC
Merit to further Above Scale, above the UC Salary Thresholdbut with merit increase of 10% or lessCAPChancellor
Merit to further Above Scale, above the UC Salary Thresholdwith merit increase greater than 10%CAPProvost-Academic Affairs, UCOP
Salary Increase Only Reviews
Salary increase actions for candidates at Steps 5 and 9 that do not exceed the equivalent of two-thirds of a stepCAPDeanRef. CAPM 803.620 regarding expectations at the campus salary limit
Salary increase actions for candidates at Steps 5 and 9 in excess of two-thirds of a stepCAPCP/EVC**Effective 7/1/21 – 6/30/27Deans have authority for salary increase up to a full step at Teaching Professor, Step 5.

Career Equity Review

ActionCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Career Equity ReviewCAPAuthority follows the type of review

Deferral of Review

ActionCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Deferral of Review None Unit Head Assistant Teaching Professors are not eligible for deferrals

Mandatory Review

ActionCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Mandatory Review onlyCAPDean 
If combined with another review, e.g. mandatory merit review and another review typeCAPAuthority follows the type of review 


ActionCAP/DCAP ReviewAuthorityNotes
Retention ActionCAPCP/EVCA retention review does not impact the faculty member’s regular eligibility for review or the associated review period.

Last modified: Jan 22, 2025