Policy Under Review | CAPM
Campus Review: CAPM 514.285 | Teaching Professor Series (formerly Lecturer with Security of Employment)
Comments Due: Comment Period Ended
Send Comments To: ijbloom@ucsc.edu
October 31, 2019
RE: Formal Review of Proposed Revisions to Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) 514.285 – Lecturer with Security of Employment Series
Dear Colleagues:
I write to initiate formal review of proposed revisions to CAPM 514.285: Lecturer with Security of Employment Series. Please facilitate this formal review and comment process by forwarding to and/or discussing this information with individuals in your division, department and program, and unit.
The proposed revisions to campus policy on the Lecturer with Security of Employment Series are a result of changes to the series in the APM that were effective 10/1/2018. Substantial changes have been proposed, in order to conform with the APM. The more significant revisions to current campus policy are as follows:
- Description of the series responsibilities, evaluation criteria, and criteria for appointment and advancement have been updated and extended to conform with the APM. Sections B, D, and E of the revised policy include significant wording changes.
- Service and review eligibility periods, including the expectation of advancement and promotion up to SLSOE, Step 5, now match the Professor series.
- Descriptions of SLSOE Step 6 and Above Scale advancement are new.
- Section J (“Merits & Promotion”) of the current policy has been removed, with any applicable points moved to more relevant sections.
- The role of contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the review process has been added.
- Series members are now eligible for Sabbatical Leave.
- Acting titles are now allowed.
- The title Senior Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment has been removed.
- The working title of Teaching Professor has been incorporated into the policy.
- Series members now have a 10-working-day response period in advancement reviews, instead of five.
Additional edits to the policy have been proposed by APO to clarify language and codify current procedural expectations, largely bringing this series more in line with the Professor series.
The proposed revised CAPM 514.285 policy is available on the Academic Personnel Office website at: https://apo.ucsc.edu/policy/policy-under-review.html. Comments are due by
Friday, December 13, 2019, and should be directed to Ibukun Bloom, Academic Personnel Office, ijbloom@ucsc.edu.
Lori Kletzer
Interim Campus Provost and
Executive Vice Chancellor
Academic Senate Office
Administrative Records
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators