Campus Academic Personnel Manual
000-099 | General
100-199 | Recruitment
200-299 | Records
300-399 | Faculty Administrators
400-499 | Senate Faculty Review
500-799 | Non-Senate Academics
800-899 | Compensation
900-999 | Benefits & Privileges
100.500 | Appendix A – Participation of Non-Senate members on Search Committees
Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office
Last Revised Date: 01/30/2003
This policy is pending revision and may contain outdated references; refer to the Academic Toolkit for Academic Hiring Units for current procedures and resources.
Dear Colleagues:
I write to reaffirm a statement issued by the Academic Vice Chancellor in 1986 on th role of non-Senate members in deliberations of Search Committees. Input from students, staff and non-Senate academics may be solicited by search committees as they consider which candidate to recommend for appointment.
That input does not extend to access to a candidate’s file and the right to vote on which candidates should be proposed for appointment. This statement holds true for all personnel actions regarding members of the Academic Senate. The By-Laws of the Academic Senate and the Standing Orders of the Regents permit students or other non-Senate members to vote on curricular issues at meetings of Boards or Committees of Studies. A ruling of the Committee on Rules, Jurisdiction, and Elections held that non-Senate members may not vote on Academic Senate matters at meetings of Boards or Committees of Studies or at meetings of College Faculties. NonSenate members may be invited to attend meetings of Faculties where no confidential personnel issues are discussed. On personnel matters, Senate By-Law 55 explicitly governs the voting rights of members of the Faculty. Only voting members of the Senate who are also members of a Faculty have the right to vote at meetings of that Faculty. Students and non-Senate faculty have an important contribution to make in many Board deliberations, but they may not have access to confidential personnel issues.
Isebill V.Gruhn
Acting Academic Vice Chancellor
January 30, 2003
Dear Colleagues
Re: Delegation of Authority to Approve Exceptions Allowing Participation of Non-Senate Members on Ladder Rank Search Committees
Effective immediately, I hereby delegate to you the authority to approve requests from Search Committee Chairs to allow full participation of non-Senate members on ladder rank search committees. Full participation includes access to a candidate’s file and the confidential material contained in the file. This authority does not extend to requests for student participation in ladder rank searches. The campus will continue to follow policy (CAPPM 100.500 Appendix A) that prohibits access to the confidential material in candidates’ recruitment files to anyone other than ladder rank faculty.
This authority to approve exceptions to the above referenced policy may not be further delegated.
John B. Simpson
Campus Provost and
Executive Vice Chancellor
cc: Chancellor Greenwood
Assistant Vice Chancellor Brogan
Director Hiramoto
Divisional Academic Human Resources Coordinator
Academic Human Resources
other resources
Related Communications
This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.