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Issued Policies | CAPM

Issuance of Revised Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) 100.500 and New CAPM 103.500 | Search Waivers and Exemptions for Non-Senate Academic Appointees

April 5, 2024


RE: Issuance of Revised Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) 100.500 and New CAPM 103.500—Search Waivers and Exemptions for Non-Senate Academic Appointees

Dear Colleagues:

I write to issue revised campus academic personnel policy on search waivers and exemptions for non-senate academic appointees. The relevant section(s) have been removed from CAPM 100.500 Academic Recruitment Procedures into a standalone chapter 103.500. The new policy may be found online at CAPM 103.500 | Search Waivers and Exemptions for Non-Senate Academic Appointees.

The revisions maintain the university’s strong preference for open and competitive recruitments to fill academic positions whenever possible. The policy enumerates the specific situations that will constitute compelling exceptions, enhances transparency and consistency, and paves the way for moving to online processing and streamlining of waiver requests by the end of spring quarter 2024.

The proposed revisions were announced on August 31, 2023. Based on senate feedback, two further edits were made:

  • Exemption J (Early Career Lecturer in Summer Session)—in response to concerns about faculty mentorship and oversight of these recent graduates, the policy will require that appointees have had prior experience as a GSI or ASE in the same or substantially similar course.
  • Waiver H (Exceptional Circumstances)—named “Other” in the first draft, the language in the section has been revised to clarify its very narrow intended use. Some examples of exceptional circumstances include job transfers for medical accommodations; transfer in lieu of layoff; or grievance settlement.

The revised policy is effective immediately. Please consult with the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu if you have any questions.


Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Cc: Academic Personnel Office
Academic Senate Office
Department Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
College Academic Managers
Administrative Records
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Lee
Vice Chancellor for Research MacMillan

Last modified: Oct 30, 2024