Campus Academic Personnel Manual

417.220 | Appendix B

Responsible Office/Party: UCSC Academic Personnel Office

Last Revised Date: 11/01/2009

Academic Personnel Review Process
Outline for Joint Appointments (other than 100/0)1

The home department is responsible initiating and coordinating the review process for this joint appointment. The chair of the home department will complete the Checklist with the candidate; there will not be a separate Checklist for the host department. The result of this review process will be one review file with two distinct department letters.

Before The Personnel Review File Is Assembled (Checklist to Assure Fairness, Steps 1 – 5)

  • The home department chair is responsible for parts 1-5 on the Checklist.
  • The candidate will submit all review materials directly to the home department.
  • The home department will ask the host department to forward all student evaluations (or copies) included in the review period.
  • If external letters will be solicited, the home department will involve the host department in the selection of the reviewers.

Before The Department Recommendations Are Determined (Checklist to Assure Fairness, Steps 6 – 9)

  • The home department prepares the review file and provides it to the candidate for review.
  • The candidate would submit his written response to material in the file, if any, to the home department; the candidate has 10 days to respond.
  • At the end of the 10-day response period, the home department provides a copy of the entire review file to the host department.
  • Each department independently evaluates the entire review file and each department writes a separate recommendation. The host department cannot add any additional material to the file at this point.

After The Departments Recommendations Are Determined (Checklist to Assure Fairness, Steps 10-12)

  • The chair of each department independently provides the candidate with a copy of the department letter; the candidate has 10 days to respond. The chair of the host department must inform the chair of the home department in writing (e.g., via email) of the “respond by” date. The chair of the home department shall annotate the Checklist to reflect this date (e.g., Candidate’s response to the host department letter due by November 11, 2024).
  • The candidate submits a written response, if any, directly to the appropriate chair or directly to the dean if the response is to remain confidential from both or either department.
  • Any response submitted by the candidate will be included in the file.
  • The home department submits the complete dossier to the dean’s office; the host department submits its recommendation directly to the dean’s office. The divisional coordinator compiles the dossier, ensures it is complete, and forwards it to the dean or to CAP depending upon the type of review.

After The File Leaves the Home Department

  • Departmental responses to requests for additional information would be coordinated by the home department consistent with the procedures outlined above.
  • The chair of both departments will be copied on the final decision letter.
  • After the final decision, if the candidate requests access to file, each department chair would receive a copy of the materials.

1 This outline provides one example of personnel review procedures for joint appointments. As described in CAPM 417.220.F.a.2, typical review procedures for joint appointments other than 100/0 percent splits should provide the host department with the opportunity to review all materials included in the file so that a thorough departmental evaluation can be made. This evaluation would involve faculty consultation, including a vote, and would result in a separate department recommendation from the host department, which would be included in the review file.

This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this policy.

Last modified: Oct 17, 2024