OATS Summer Salary FAQ
APM 025 and Summer Salary FAQ
What is Summer Salary?
When an academic-year faculty member receives University/UCSC compensation during the summer period, they are receiving summer salary.
- Examples of summer salary include summer research salary and salary for UCSC Summer Session teaching.
- University/UCSC summer salary is provided for an activity that is within the “normal course and scope” of a faculty member’s University employment. The activity is being performed on behalf of the University, thus it is not considered an outside professional activity.
How does summer salary interact with APM 025 time limits for Category I and II activities?
An academic-year faculty member’s Category I and II activities are not subject to APM 025 time limits during the summer period unless the faculty member receives summer salary while engaging in a Category I (e.g., outside employment) or Category II (e.g., professional consulting) activity.
- When an academic-year faculty member receives University/UCSC summer salary, the limit on all Category I and II activities is the equivalent of eight hours per week during the period in which such compensation is received.
APM 025 Annual Report
When completing the APM 025 Annual Report in OATS, a faculty member will be required to enter their summer information. When a faculty member affirms that they received summer salary while engaging in Category I or II activities, OATS will generate a summer time limit
Additional Resources for Summer Salary
- Policy: APM 025-8.c
- OATS: Entering Summer Salary Information; Reporting Effort (Academic Year Faculty)