OATS Instructions & Resources

APM 025 Category I Requests

Faculty who are interested in engaging in a Category I activity should submit their request in OATS at least four weeks prior to any anticipated start date. However, a Category I request that has an associated leave request should be submitted eight to twelve weeks in advance. Departments and divisions are expected to complete their review and approval in OATS in a timely manner in order to provide sufficient time for central review and decision.

Faculty Users

The UC OATS General Campus Faculty webpage has a variety of articles designed to demonstrate how to perform various APM 025 actions in OATS.

Department and Divisional Reviewers

The UC OATS General Campus Reviewer webpage has a variety of articles designed to demonstrate how to navigate the OATS reviewer workspace and perform various APM 025 reviewer actions in OATS.

Department and Divisional Approvers

The UC OATS General Campus Approver webpage has a variety of articles designed to demonstrate how to navigate the OATS approver workspace and perform various APM 025 approver actions in OATS.

Last modified: Oct 15, 2024