loose scatter of white hexagon shaped beads on table top

Negotiated Salary Program

The Negotiated Salary Program (NSP) allows faculty to utilize external funding sources (such as eligible contract and grant or discretionary fund sources) to increase their total compensation by up to 30%.


CAPM 810.672 | Negotiated Salary Program is the local implementation of APM 672. The NSP is effective July 1, 2025, and it subsumes the Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) which ends on June 30, 2025.

Faculty must apply annually to participate in the program and the negotiated salary is effective for a one-year period corresponding to the University fiscal cycle of July 1 through June 30.

Submission Instructions & Forms

Applications for each participation year (July 1 – June 30) must be complete and received in the Academic Personnel Office (APO) on or before the preceding May 8. No extensions of time to apply will be granted. All requests must be completed and signed electronically. No hard copies accepted.

Please follow the five easy steps below to apply for participation in the NSP. Requestors will be notified of the final decisions regarding their requests in June.

Interested faculty complete Steps 1 and 2 by the divisional deadline (April 1 or earlier as set by the divisional dean):

Step 1

Review the NSP Implementation Procedures (CAPM 810.672) and confirm funding availability with relevant personnel (see below).

Step 2

Faculty Requestor completes NSP Faculty Application Form.

  • Requestor forwards completed NSP Faculty Application Form (one form) to Fund Manager responsible for your accounts, via email.

Departmental and divisional review occurs in April:

Step 3

Fund/Department Manager completes Fund Manager Verification Form.

  • Fund/Department manager forwards completed (i) NSP Faculty Application Form and (ii) Fund Manager Verification (two forms) to Department Chair via email.

Step 4

Department Chair completes Department Chair Certification Form.

  • Department Chair forwards completed (i) NSP Faculty Application Form, (ii) Fund Manager Verification; and (iii) Department Chair Certification (three forms) to Dean, via email.

Deans have until May 8 to submit completed applications to the Academic Personnel Office:

Step 5

Dean signs bottom of Department Chair Certification Form.

  • Dean’s Office electronically submits completed (i) NSP Faculty Application Form, (ii) Fund Manager Verification; and (iii) Department Chair Certification (three forms) to apo@ucsc.edu, via email. THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS MAY 8.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Academic Personnel Office at campus extension 9-5579, or send an email to apo@ucsc.edu.

Last modified: Mar 12, 2025