Policy Under Review | CAPM
Formal Review of Establishment of New CAPM 810.672 – Negotiated Salary Program Implementation Guidelines
Comments Due: 01/10/2025
Send Comments To: apo@ucsc.edu
December 2, 2024
RE: Formal Review of Establishment of New CAPM 810.672: Negotiated Salary Program Implementation Guidelines
Dear Colleagues:
I am writing to initiate formal review of the Negotiated Salary Program (NSP) implementation guidelines (CAPM 810.672). Please facilitate this review process by discussing the information in your division, department, or committee meetings, and sending feedback in writing to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu no later than January 10, 2025.
CAPM 810.672 (the “campus NSP policy”) is the local implementation of APM 672. The NSP will be effective July 1, 2025, and it subsumes the Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) which ends on June 30, 2025.
The following list is a summary of the substantive differences between the NSTP and NSP policy:
- Summer ninths: APM 672 states that the participant who holds an academic-year appointment must take the maximum amount of summer salary to be eligible for NSP participation. Exceptions will be possible, but they must be requested and approved.
- Paid leaves must be at 100% to participate in NSP (e.g., partial sabbaticals must include a sabbatical supplement such that the sabbatical is brought up to 100%).
- Contingency fund: the contingency fund contribution will be reduced to 5% (NSTP was 10%).
- In alignment with updated UC guidelines, NSF funding will no longer be limited to 2/9ths; it will be subject to NSF guidelines, which currently allow rebudgeting.
- Good standing requirements: As called for in APM 672, this section is expanded in the campus NSP policy and includes a process by which a faculty member may return to Good Standing.
- Per APM 672, the total UC salary (TUCS) may not be changed after July 1 for any reason. If the scale-based salary (SBS) increases after July 1 (e.g., retroactive merit increase, range adjustment), the negotiated salary component (NSC) will be adjusted downward so that the total UC salary (TUCS) remains unchanged for the fiscal year. This supersedes the provision in the trial program that maintained the absolute dollar amount of the NSC, resulting in a higher TUCS following 10/1 range adjustments or retroactive merit increases. E.g., SBS of $100k as of 7/1. NSC of $30k for TUCS of $130k. 10/1 range adjustment increases SBS to $103k. NSC will be reduced to $27k to maintain $130k TUCS.
We are required to submit our NSP guidelines to UCOP for review/approval by UC System Provost/EVP. Please review the attached draft policy and provide feedback, if any, at your earliest opportunity.
Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
CC: Vice Provost Lee, Academic Affairs
Vice Chancellor MacMillan, Research
Senate Director Mednick
Assistant Vice Provost McClintock, Academic Personnel
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
Department Managers