Communications | Other Communications
Policy Reminders for Outside Professional Activities
July 29, 2024
By Herbie Lee, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Dear Colleagues,
In light of the recent revisions to APM 025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members and Designated Other Academic Appointees, and in preparation for certifying and submitting your 2023-24 Annual Report on Outside Professional Activities, I write to remind you of the following key points and obligations included in the policy.
APM 025 Overview
APM 025 provides guidance for the identification and management of a faculty member’s outside professional activities in order to avoid conflicts of commitment.
APM 025-10 defines three types of APM 025 outside professional activities – Category I, II, and III – and provides examples of activities that fall under each type of OPA. Please keep in mind that it is the nature of the activity and/or relationship with the outside entity that determines the categorization of a faculty member’s outside activity. A faculty member’s OPA may be compensated or uncompensated, but this element is not considered when determining the appropriate APM 025 OPA category.
APM 025 Category I Activities
Faculty must obtain approval prior to engaging in an APM 025 Category I activity. Faculty who are interested in engaging in a Category I activity should submit their request at least four weeks prior to any anticipated start date. However, a Category I request that has an associated leave request should be submitted eight to twelve weeks in advance. Departments and divisions are expected to complete their review in a timely manner in order to provide sufficient time for central review and decision.
At this time, I would like to specifically draw your attention to two Category I examples: outside appointments and affiliations, and outside teaching activities.
Outside Appointments
The recent issuance of APM 025 clarified that an honorary, visiting, adjunct, or other appointment (either compensated or uncompensated) at an outside institution or other outside entity is a Category I activity. Faculty must submit a Category I request for any outside appointment, even if previous advice said otherwise.
Outside Teaching
In addition to teaching a course outside of the University*, outside teaching activities may include other types of teaching activities, such as, teaching or course development work for another university, or other outside entity. Additionally, an outside teaching activity may be related to a summer or special program. If you have questions about whether or not an activity would be considered outside teaching, please consult with your divisional AHR office.
*Please note that teaching for UCSC Summer Session is not an outside professional activity (i.e. is not subject to prior approval, disclosure, or policy time limits). Teaching for University Extension (UNEX) is a Category II activity (i.e. subject to disclosure and policy time limits, but not prior approval).
2023-24 Annual Certification
Annual Certification for the 2023-24 reporting period is now active in OATS. The reporting period is July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. Faculty must certify their 2023-24 outside professional activities (or certify “no activities”) and submit their report by September 30, 2024. Those interested in completing their report this summer may refer to APO’s Resources and Training webpage for details and resources. Additional information will be provided in the 2023-24 Annual Reporting of Outside Professional Activities memo which will be sent in September.
CP/EVC Kletzer
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Department Managers
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