a collage of photographs of various people with the face of a woman in the foreground photograph

Academic Employee Relations

Academic Employee Relations provides consultation and advice to the Campus Provost, college provosts, deans, department chairs and other faculty administrators, supervisors of academic employees, and academic employees themselves on matters ranging from performance and conduct issues, conflict management, and interpretation and implementation of university and campus policies, procedures, and collective bargaining agreements.

Academic Employee Relations works closely with the campus Labor Relations office to ensure the correct application of policies, procedures and laws are being used to manage a large and diverse academic workforce.

white hexagonal beads scattered across a blue surface

Complaint & Grievance Process

What to know Before You File a Complaint or Grievance
Types of Complaints
Respondent Services

abstract art of a face formed by wavy lines

Reporting Misconduct

Title IX
Discrimination or Harassment
Safety Concerns | Abusive Conduct
Research Misconduct
Faculty Code of Conduct Violations
Other Concerns

collage of social justice words in the shape of a tree

Responsibilities of Academic Employees

Standards of Conduct
Mandatory and Optional Reporting Obligations
Research Integrity
Report Absences
Privacy & Confidentiality

Last modified: Feb 24, 2025