Category: Workshops & Training
DivData: Department Recommendation
Covers department faculty review for Senate reappointment/advancement files
Managing Reviews: After the Candidate Submits their File
Covers the initial audit of a candidate’s dossier to ensure a smooth, efficient review process
Intro to DivData: Administration (People, Find, Reports)
Introduction to DivData’s components and the academic personnel concepts behind them
DivData: Call Review Kickoff
Annual refresher for department managers to kick off the on-call review cycle
DivData Review: Overview for (new) Managers
Introduction to DivData Review and the role of review managers
Biobibliographies, Annotations, and File Building
How to annotate scholarly/creative work entries in Biobibnet to be included in a Review file
Recruit Tips & Tricks
Training for department and college staff who serve as Recruit Analysts
Recruit Overview
Designed for new users and for those who want a refresher on how to use the system
Department Chair Development Series
Senate faculty review guidance for department chairs, program directors, associate deans and college provosts
Advancement Overview for Department Administrators
Workshops for new and continuing department managers and chairs involved in the senate faculty review process
Advancement Overview for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors
Advancement information for assistant professors and assistant teaching professors