Communications | Salary Administration
2019-20 Academic Salary Program
July 18, 2019
By Lori Kletzer, Interim Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Re: UC Santa Cruz 2019-20 Academic Salary Program
Dear Colleagues:
The 2019-20 UC academic salary program consists of an annualized three percent increase to the academic salary scales for all senate and non-represented academic salary scales as a general range adjustment. The program also provides a targeted, annualized one percent scale increase for ladder-rank faculty as part of a multi-year effort, initiated last year by President Napolitano, to rebuild competitive salary scales for our ladder-rank faculty and reinforcing the unique, peer-reviewed salary structure of the University of California.
This year’s program is being rolled out in two phases:
Senate and Related Titles
For appointees to the ladder-rank professor series, teaching professor (LSOE) series, astronomers, acting professors, and adjunct professors, the increases are effective October 1, 2019. Consequently, faculty summer salary for 2019 will be paid on the current July 1, 2018 effective salary scale. A subsequent communication to affected employees will provide additional details about the implementation of the October 1, 2019 increases.
Department chair and college provost stipends will increase by three percent effective July 1, 2019. Deans and other full-time faculty administrators may receive up to a three percent increase for meritorious performance effective July 1, 2019.
Other Titles
Salary scales for graduate student researchers will increase by three percent effective October 1, 2019.
Salary scales for all other non-represented academic titles will increase by three percent effective July 1, 2019 for monthly paid employees or July 14, 2019 for biweekly paid employees.
Salary increases for non-senate union-represented academic personnel are set by the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreements.
Negotiated compensation for recalled retirees, by-agreement appointees, and visitors is subject to the discretion of the hiring authority, and will not be automatically increased.
Please direct questions to your divisional academic personnel coordinator, or to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu.
Lori Kletzer, Campus Provost and
Executive Vice Chancellor
Chancellor Larive
Senate Chair Lau
Vice Chancellor Planning & Budget Delaney
Vice Provost of Academic Affairs Lee
AVP Academic Personnel McClintock
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
Academic Senate Office
College Provosts
Department and Program Chairs
Department and Program Managers