Professional Development
Organizations, programs, workshops, tutorials and other resources to facilitate learning & advancement.
UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development
The UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI) is a unique, experiential, systemwide professional development program to support the success and advancement of mid-career, woman-identified professionals and is open to all employees who support and are committed to this mission. The program brings together participants from every UC location. Participants represent faculty, academic personnel and staff, people managers and non-people managers. To submit a nomination for the program, please use the UCSC UCWI Nomination Form.
Academic Impressions
Academic Impressions offers higher education-specific professional and leadership development to our institution. Faculty and staff can join at no cost and access a wide range of online professional development opportunities in areas such as Diversity & Inclusion, Advancement, Academic Affairs, Leadership and Student Success. For more information, visit the Staff HR Resource Page for Academic Impressions.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is an award-winning industry leader in online training, with a digital library of over 10,000 courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software and creative topics. Login or watch a video tutorial on using LinkedIn Learning | Read How to Access LinkedIn Learning with UCSC SSO.
The Teaching and Learning Center
The Teaching and Learning Center uses research and equity-minded practices to strengthen the culture of teaching, foster student success and equitable outcomes, and support teacher-leaders at UC Santa Cruz through its Programs, Workshops, and Consultations.
Unit 18 Faculty
Grant opportunities for the professional development of Unit 18 faculty are available through the UCSC Unit 18 Council on Professional Development.
UCSC Graduate Division
The UCSC Graduate Division offers Professional Development opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.