Communications | Recruitment
Forward Funding Model for Partner Hires
September 29, 2020
Dean, Humanities
Dean, Physical and Biological Sciences
Dean, Social Sciences
Interim Dean, Arts
Dean, Jack Baskin School of Engineering
Subject: Forward Funding Model for Partner Hires
Dear Colleagues:
In response to your concerns that partner appointments continue to present unanticipated financial difficulties for your resource planning, I am pleased to formalize a new funding method for this type of recruitment. Under this new structure, partner hires will be accompanied by a flexible level of forward funding to cover the base salary and help alleviate the resource burden created by accommodating the unexpected initial recruitment. The terms governing this resource framework are outlined in the enclosed document.
The procedure for requesting a partner hire will continue to follow the current process governing the waiver of open recruitment for senate faculty recruitments. Although the importance of partner hires is recognized, waivers of open recruitment should continue to be rare and well justified lest equity issues arise.
Lori Kletzer, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
David Brundage, Academic Senate Chair
Richard Hughey, Vice Provost & Dean, Undergraduate Education
Tracy Larrabee, Chair, Academic Senate Committee on Educational Policy
Herbert Lee, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Grace McClintock, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Personnel Office
Kimberly Register, Director, Planning & Budget
Quentin Williams, Interim Vice Provost & Dean, Graduate Division
Dard Neuman, Chair, Academic Senate Committee on Planning & Budget
Don Smith, Chair, Academic Senate Graduate Council
Cari Bettermann, Executive Assistant, Planning & Budget
Alex Brondarbit, Academic Planning Analyst, Academic Affairs
Leslie Marple, Academic Recruitment Manager, Academic Personnel Office
Oliver Spires, Financial Analyst, Planning & Budget
Assistant Deans
Deans’ Assistants
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
Divisional Business Managers
Academic Senate Office
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