Family Care Polices
See Academic Leaves of Absence for specific information on the types of medical and non-medical leaves available to you and how to request a leave based on the type of employee you are and/or the type of leave you’re requesting.
Related Topics
Leaves of Absence
Faculty may request medical leave for their own illness or to care for the appointee’s ill child, parent, spouse, domestic partner, grandparent or grandchild. The policy also covers in-laws or step relatives in the above relationships, including relatives of the domestic partner who would be covered if the domestic partner were the appointee’s spouse. See APM 710 for more info. [PDF]
Childbearing Leave
The University permits paid childbearing leave. See APM 760-25 for more info. [PDF]
Parental Leave without Pay
The University permits parents to take an unpaid leave, up to one year, for the purpose of caring for their children. See APM 760-27 for more info [PDF]
Active Service-Modified Duties
The University permits a period of time for modified duties to allow for carrying out childbearing and/or childrearing responsibilities. It is to allow parents to care for a child following birth or adoption or placement for foster care, with an appointee or the spouse or domestic partner of an appointee. See APM 760-28 for more info. [PDF]
Extension of the Tenure Clock
Childbearing leave is not included in the count of time against the eight-year limit for promotion to tenure. Parental leave is not included in the count of time against the eight-year limit for promotion to tenure. Periods of leave, whether with or without salary, may be excluded from the eight year limit. Parents may petition to have a one-year extension of the eight-year limit for birth or adoption. A second year extension is allowed for a subsequent birth or adoption. See APM 133-17.g for more info [PDF]
Part Time Employment
University policies covering Academic Senate titles allow part time appointments for family care and other considerations. Permanent or temporary part time appointments are available in the pre-and post-tenure periods. See APM 220-16-c and -d for more info. [PDF]
Who Is Eligible
All academic employees are eligible to participate in the University’s policies in support of family. Further information about these policies can be found in the Academic Personnel Manual. Requests to use these policies should be made as soon as possible to allow the department to make any necessary adjustments. Contact your department chair, department manager, division academic personnel coordinator or Academic Personnel Office.