Communications | Other Communications
Deadline Extended for International Remote Work Requests
July 30, 2021
Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Grace McClintock
College Provosts
Department and Program Chairs
Dear Colleagues,
This email contains important information related to international academic appointees, including international graduate student employees, who may be having difficulty arranging to return to the U.S. by the beginning of Fall Quarter 2021, due to travel restrictions or obstacles in obtaining or renewing a visa.
As noted in our June 7 communication (below), international academic appointees may seek exceptional approval to work remotely from abroad for Fall Quarter 2021. Exceptions will only be considered when the appointee can demonstrate that 1) they are subject to travel restrictions and cannot enter the U.S. by the start of Fall Quarter 2021 or 2) that they have been unable to obtain or renew their visa to enter the U.S., despite having made diligent efforts to do so. No other circumstances will warrant an exception. This exception is only available for Fall 2021, and only for international academic appointees whose fall quarter positions can be performed remotely, as determined by the University. Note that for international graduate students who are not eligible to work remotely in fall quarter, departments may contact the Graduate Division to discuss alternative non-employment forms of support.
Please note that the original deadline for submitting this form for consideration has been extended from August 2 to August 16, 2021. We do not anticipate being able to extend this deadline further, and we cannot guarantee that forms filed after this date will receive full consideration. Academic appointees who receive permission to work remotely from abroad are expected to keep their supervisor and/or unit head updated on their situation and expected return date. These appointees are expected to make every effort to secure the proper entry permit/work authorization and arrive or return to the United States as soon as possible.
Department Chairs and College Provosts are responsible for knowing the proposed work location of all of their department appointees, and for communicating this exceptional approval process (and the August 16 deadline to submit a request) to appointees who may be planning to work remotely outside of the United States in Fall 2021.
More information about this exception approval process, and a link to the form that is required to be completed and submitted for consideration, is located here: Working Remotely Outside of California and Internationally During COVID-19 and Fall Quarter 2021.
Divisional and College Academic HR Coordinators
Department and Program Managers
Interim Vice Chancellor MacMillan, Office of Research
Academic Senate Chair Brundage
Director Calabrese, International Student and Scholar Services
Campus Counsel Penaloza
Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Biehl
Academic Senate Office
Employee and Labor Relations
Export Control Office
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Academic Personnel Office <apo@ucsc.edu>
Date: Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Update Regarding Remote International Work for Academic Employees in Fall Quarter 2021
To: APO <apo@ucsc.edu>
June 7, 2021
FROM: Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori Kletzer and
Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Grace McClintock
TO:College Provosts
Department and Program Chairs
Department and Program Managers
Divisional and College Academic HR Coordinators
Dear Colleagues:
As previously communicated, the temporary exception permitting UC employees to live and work remotely from an international location ends after summer session 2021. However, there may be academic appointees who are not able to arrive in the US by the start of fall quarter, despite diligent efforts to do so, due to inability to obtain/renew visas, and/or due to travel restrictions.
In such cases, a department may seek an exception that will permit remote employment of an academic appointee temporarily living abroad. Requests for exceptions will be considered by the Academic Personnel Office, and will only be granted to requests accompanied by clear documentation that the appointee has diligently attempted to arrive in the United States, but has been unable to because of visa processing barriers or travel restrictions.
This exception process is only available for fall quarter 2021. I ask that you distribute this brief message broadly. For additional information and to access the request form, please see APO’s webpage on working remotely due to COVID-19: Working Remotely Outside of California and Internationally During COVID-19 and Fall Quarter 2021.
Vice Chancellor Brandt, Office of Research
Academic Senate Chair Brundage
Director Calabrese, International Student and Scholar Services
VPAA LeeCampus Counsel Peñaloza
Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Williams
Academic Senate Office
Employee and Labor Relations
Export Control Office
This message is also posted on the web at: Update Regarding Remote International Work for Academic Employees in Fall Quarter 2021