Issued Policies | CAPM
Issuance of Revised Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) 407.690 | Overlapping Steps
January 23, 2025
RE: Issuance of Revised Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) 407.690—Overlapping Steps
Dear Colleagues:
I write to issue revised CAPM 407.690, effective immediately.
Under the revised policy, time at Assistant rank, Step 5 will no longer count in lieu of service at Associate rank, Step 1. Normal promotion from Assistant, Step 5 will be to Associate, Step 1, with an off-setting amount of salary awarded as an off-scale increase. The promotion salary outcome will be the same as before the policy change, while the lower step assignment will leave more time for advancement within the Associate rank before encountering the salary barrier at Associate, Step IV (see CAPM 803.620.C).
This change is effective immediately and will be applied to Assistant to Associate promotion cases already in progress for the 2024-25 review year.
In addition, and to address the problem for those who were recently promoted, a Special Salary Practice modification will apply in review years 2024-25 and 2025-26. A candidate who was promoted into the Associate rank at Step 3 and who meets criteria for an acceleration at their next merit review will not be subject to the salary limit at Step 4. In these circumstances, the salary equivalent of an extra one or one and 1⁄3 steps (AC or A1) will be added to the off-scale component.
In response to multiple inquiries, I want to clarify the review process that this policy underwent. In May and June 2024, Vice Provost Lee consulted with CAP about potential changes to overlapping steps, in the context of ongoing discussions about salary equity. In July 2024, the administration negotiated and entered into an agreement with the Santa Cruz Faculty Association to implement changes at the Assistant to Associate promotion. The campuswide policy review was subsequently announced in October 2024, soliciting feedback on the implementation of the negotiated change (Assistant to Associate) as well as a proposed corresponding change, not yet negotiated, at the Associate to Full promotion.
Based on the feedback received, I will not be proceeding with any changes at the Associate to Full promotion at this time. I am interested in continuing this conversation with the Senate and have responded to requests for additional information under separate cover.
The attached redline version shows the final changes from the current policy to the new policy. Questions may be directed to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu.
Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Provost Academic Affairs Lee
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
Department Administrative Managers
Academic Personnel Office
Academic Senate Office
Administrative Records