User Account Process
Accessing DivData
A Single Sign On (SSO) session (CruzID+Gold credentials) is required to log in to the system.
The first time new users log in to DivData they will be asked to agree to ITS terms and conditions. If they agree, they will be granted access.
Staff User Accounts
Creation/activation: Staff with academic personnel responsibilities may request a new account or changes to an existing account via the Academic Personnel System Account Request form. Staff accounts are subject to approval.
Deactivation: Departments/units must notify APO when personnel leave or no longer need their DivData account.
Academic User Accounts
(includes non-student faculty, researchers, and academic administrators)
Creation/activation: No account request is necessary for faculty or other nonstudent academics. DivData accounts are automatically provided to active nonstudent academic employees so they can participate in their reviews and those of their academic supervisees or colleagues, as appropriate, as well as maintain their biobibliography profiles.
Once the required information about an academic appointee is in DivData (see Criteria… below) the person’s user account will be automatically created.
Deactivation: An academic user’s account will be deactivated when their DivData person status is Separated.
Account Status: Staff with access to DivData Person records can see an academic appointee’s user account status (Active, Inactive, or None) displayed in the System IDs and Info section of the Person record.
Criteria for Creation or Reactivation of Academic User Accounts
DivData accounts for Academic Users will be automatically created, or existing accounts reactivated, when their DivData person record has:
- Valid Last Name*
- Valid Employee ID*
- Valid CruzID*
- Date of Birth
- Blank, or Future, Sep Date
- An active salary row in a non-student title (“active” for instructional titles includes 90-day extensions of appointment Begin and End dates)
* these will be verified against information from the campus Identity Management system
Special Case | Reappointing a Former Lecturer
In order for a returning lecturer to participate in their reappointment review, they need both an active CruzID and active DivData user account, as current appointees have.
DivData user account status: The system will alert the review manager if a reappointment candidate’s DivData user account status is “Inactive” or “None,” prompting them to take steps to reactivate the account or have one created.
CruzID account status: To see whether their CruzID account is active, look them up in the campus directory. If they are not listed, their CruzID is likely inactive, and the reappointing dept/unit would need to sponsor a Sundry CruzID account to reactivate it.
When completing the ITS CruzID Sundry account request form…
- Include the person’s (expired) CruzID, which is their address*
- If their @ucsc email has been deactivated, include an alternate personal email address*
- Choose Sundry Account Type “New UCSC Employee / Stage”
- In the Business Need field, describe the needed access — for example: “CruzID Blue and Gold needed for email and DivData access relating to intended reappointment.”
- Allow up to eight days for turnaround.
*According to ITS, failure to include these items can result in delays or issues in activating the account.