Summer Salary

Overview & Information

Eligible faculty may receive additional compensation for work performed during the summer months.

Summer salary is paid on a 1/9th per month basis over the pay periods July 1 through September 30 (paycheck dates August 1, September 1, and October 1).

Eligible faculty are those appointed on an academic-year basis to the title series Professor, Acting Professor, Adjunct Professor, Visiting Professor, or Teaching Professor.

Summer compensation from all sources, including Summer Session teaching and participation in summer outreach programs, may not exceed 3/9ths of the annual base salary in effect July 1.

Fiscal-year faculty in the above title series, astronomers, and faculty administrators may receive up to one month additional compensation for work performed, with compensation not to exceed 1/11th or 1/12th, per policy, of annual base salary in a single fiscal year. Dates of work are not limited to the summer salary period and a corresponding number of accrued vacation days must be forfeited.

Summer salary supported by extramural funds is limited in each case by the terms of the supporting contract or grant and in accordance with granting agency policy. Employing units and principal investigators bear responsibility for determining that the proposed summer employment is in compliance with contract or grant terms and that appropriate approvals are secured in advance of service. 

Faculty who work on federal grants or contracts may be subject to compensation limits that are imposed by granting agencies. If applicable, these salary caps supersede University regulations. For example, see for salary cap information applicable to National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards.

Summer salary is subject to a mandatory 3.5% pretax employee contribution to the Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) and a 3.5% matching employer contribution from the extramural award or other fund source.

Compensable Summer Service Dates

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YearCompensable Period StartCompensable Period EndFall Quarter Start Date

Last modified: Dec 10, 2024