Policy Under Review | CAPM
Campus Review: CAPM 404.220 and 410.220 | Promotion
Comments Due: 01/22/2025
Send Comments To: apo@ucsc.edu
January 22, 2025
Re: Proposed Revisions to Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) 404.220 – Appointment, Reappointment, and Non-Reappointment and 410.220 – Promotion
Dear Colleagues:
I write to initiate formal review of proposed revisions to CAPM 404.220 – Appointment, Reappointment, and Non-Reappointment and CAPM 410.220 – Promotion. The primary goals of these policy revisions are to reduce the number of instances where an Ad Hoc review committee is required by policy, and to address outstanding conforming changes needed to the policies. Please facilitate this review process by discussing the information in your division, department, or committee meetings.
The primary significant changes, by policy, are as follows:
CAPM 410.220:
- Removing the requirement that an Ad Hoc review committee be formed in promotion cases where the department and/or dean recommend an acceleration of two or more steps.
- Conforming changes to address the use of DivData Review in the personnel review process. The majority of these conforming changes have been practiced since the adoption of DivData Review for all Senate personnel reviews in 2014.
CAPM 404.220:
- Removing the requirement that an Ad Hoc review committee be formed (1) in appointment files where the department and/or dean do not support the appointment; and (2) in non-reappointment cases at the Assistant level. Note that Ad Hoc review committees are still required when there is a department or dean recommendation against tenure in a promotion review, per CAPM 410.220.
- Conforming changes and clarifying language to address the use of DivData Review in the personnel review process, changes in employee onboarding practices, and changes to recruitment policies and practices.
In all of the proposed changes where the Ad Hoc committee is no longer required, the Committee on Academic Personnel may still request an Ad Hoc, should it believe that
additional input is warranted on a particular case.
We are not planning to entertain additional substantive revisions to the policies at this time.
Clean and redline versions of the proposed revised policies may be found on the Academic Personnel Office website at Policies Under Review, and redline versions are attached to this email for your reference.
Comments are due by March 5, 2025 and should be directed to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu. Questions may also be directed to the Academic Personnel Office.
Lori Kletzer,
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Administrative Records
Committee on Academic Personnel
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
404.220 – Appointment, Reappointment and Non-Reappointment (CLEAN)
404.220 – Appointment, Reappointment and Non-Reappointment (REDLINE)
410.220 – Promotion (CLEAN)
410.220 – Promotion (REDLINE)