Sample Solicitation Letter involving Merit to Above Scale or Career Equity Review to Step 6

As of 7/1/20, do not solicit external letters for Step 6 unless review is a Career Equity Review

Dear [recipient name],

The Department of [reviewing dept/unit name] at the University of California, Santa Cruz is considering the advancement of [candidate's full name]. Your evaluation of this individual’s record of accomplishments and impact is being requested as a valued contribution to our review process.

Ladder-rank advancement within the University of California is based upon research, teaching, and University and public service. The review committee is primarily interested in your evaluation of the individual’s scholarly and/or creative contributions with particular reference to their originality and significance. In addition, I would appreciate your comments on the individual’s teaching ability, standing within the discipline, and any other aspect of professional competence with which you may be familiar. We are also interested in any comments you have on the individual’s contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion through their research, teaching, and service work. Lastly, it would be helpful if you would include a comparison with others in the field who are at a similar stage in their career.

IF Merit to Above Scale, include this paragraph:

Advancement to an Above Scale rank involves an overall career review and is reserved only for the most highly distinguished faculty (1) whose work of sustained and continuing excellence has attained national and international recognition and broad acclaim reflective of its significant impact; (2) whose University teaching performance is excellent; and (3) whose service is highly meritorious.

IF Career Equity Review to Step 6 was requested by the candidate (ref. CAPM 412.000), include this paragraph:

Professor [candidate's last name] has requested advancement beyond Step 5. Advancement to Professor Step 6 and beyond involves an overall career review and will be granted on evidence of sustained and continuing excellence in each of the following three categories: (1) scholarship or creative achievement, (2) University teaching, and (3) service. Above and beyond that, great academic distinction, recognized nationally, will be required in scholarly or creative achievement or teaching.

I kindly ask that you respond by [deadline], as our consideration of this action is planned soon thereafter.

Under University of California policy, the identity of authors of letters of evaluation are held in confidence; however, an appointee is entitled to see the main body of your letter after identifying information outside the body of the letter has been redacted.

Please be sure to review the entire statement on the confidentiality of solicited letters at the University of California at ¹

The quality of faculty at the University of California is dependent upon receiving informed and objective evaluations of their contributions to the academic community. We appreciate your time and attention.


[Department Chair Name]
[Department Signature]

¹Note to Managers – Emails generated in DivData also include:

Please use the security token at the bottom of this email to begin.

You will see the confidentiality statement the first time you access the review file, with an added notice regarding the confidentiality of review materials. [candidate's full name]‘s selected materials will then be presented for your review. Should you need information on the use of our online review system, DivData Review, please see

Last modified: Oct 15, 2024