Communications | Appointment and Advancement
COVID-Related Caregiver Modified Duties (CCMD) Program for Senate Faculty
From: CP/EVC Lori Kletzer <officeofcpevc@ucsc.edu>
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 4:10 PM
Subject: COVID-Related Caregiver Modified Duties (CCMD) Program for Senate Faculty
To: Senate Faculty
Dear Colleagues,
I write to announce a new campus COVID-Related Caregiver Modified Duties (CCMD) program. The campus CCMD program was recently approved by the UC Office of the President and aims to help mitigate the disparate impact of COVID-19 on senate faculty with significant dependent care responsibilities. The program is effective January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021.
Details about the program and instructions for applying are posted on APO’s COVID-Related Caregiver Modified Duties (CCMD) Program for Senate Faculty webpage [deprecated].
I remain grateful to you for your dedication, commitment and hard work in these challenging times.
Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
CC: Deans
Academic Senate Office
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Lee
Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Personnel McClintock
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators