Communications | Appointment and Advancement
Expectations for Promotion in the “Book Disciplines”
May 4, 2020
RE: Expectations for Promotion in the “Book Disciplines”
Dear Colleagues:
We write to provide more clarity for promotion cases in the “book disciplines,” where the primary scholarly component of the file is a book. It is important to note that there are alternative ways to build a file worthy of promotion, which could include journal articles, one or more substantial digital projects, or other combinations of materials sufficient to justify promotion. This communication focuses on the cases where the bulk of the work is a single book.
For tenure cases, the CAP Chair/EVC communication from 2012 continues to apply. The expectation is that the review file will contain a copy of the completed book manuscript with documentation of acceptance from the publisher. The external letter writers must be provided the manuscript for review. In cases where the book manuscript is complete but has not yet been accepted for publication, the review file must contain the completed draft manuscript, letters from external reviewers of the tenure file who were provided a copy of the completed manuscript, and an explanation with accompanying documentation of the current status of the manuscript in the review process.
For promotion to full or advancement to Step 6, the time limit for tenure review does not apply, and therefore the expectation is that a book manuscript will be completed within the review period. Specifically, the manuscript must be submitted to a publisher, externally reviewed, and the publisher must have issued a contract to publish the book based on the completed manuscript and critical reviews. An “advance contract” that is only a commitment to review, or is a commitment subject to review, is not sufficient for promotion to full professor or to step 6. The expectation is that the manuscript has been reviewed and accepted for publication. The author should have addressed all reviewers’ comments and the manuscript should be ready for copy-editing. There may still be final minor revisions, indexing, galley proofs, or other operational items outstanding, but the manuscript should be in final form with respect to the author’s contribution.
For promotion to full, the book on which tenure was granted should have been published before the faculty member is reviewed for promotion to full on their subsequent book. In other words, the book on which tenure and promotion to associate professor is earned is the first book, and the book reviewed for
promotion to full professor is the second book.
In all cases, the quality and impact of the work are of primary importance; merely completing a book does not guarantee tenure or promotion.
These expectations for promotion to full or advancement to Step 6 are effective for files submitted in the 2020-21 review year and beyond.
Cc: VPAA Lee
AVP McClintock
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
Academic Senate Office