Senate Faculty Leave
Leave information for Senate Faculty (A7) can be found in CAPM 900.700
Professor Series | Teaching Professor Series
Getting Started
Please review the important leave information on this page and then select the appropriate leave type to review the relevant policies and pay options. Instructions on how to initiate a leave request is located below.
Leave Type
Academic Year Employees
Childbearing (AY)
Pregnancy Disability (Childbearing) Leave [APM 760-25]
Faculty members are entitled to up to four (4) months of unpaid Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) for a disability related to pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, as certified by a healthcare provider. For a normal birth the disability period is typically from about two (2) workweeks before until about six (6) workweeks after the birth (eight (8) workweeks for cesarean birth).
Faculty members will receive their approved base salary for up to eight (8) workweeks while on childbearing leave/PDL. Any PDL beyond eight (8) workweeks would be without pay.
Faculty members, who need additional PDL, may be eligible to receive disability payments from Lincoln Financial (UC’s disability insurer). An outline of how to apply for benefits and what to expect during the disability period can be found at Disability Benefits for Faculty and Other Academic Appointees.
Parental Bonding (Childrearing) Leave [APM 760-27]:
Faculty members are eligible for parental bonding leave to care for/bond with their newborn child. This leave may be full or part-time and must be concluded within twelve (12) months of the child’s birth.
Leaves are normally without pay, however faculty members may elect to use the following option to continue being paid during this leave:
Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) [APM 715-20]
Faculty members, who are eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA, may receive 100 percent of their eligible earnings* for up to eight (8) workweeks per calendar year of paid leave. This may be used for:
- family medical leave
- military caregiver leave
- parental leave
- qualifying exigency leave
*Eligible earnings include an appointee’s base salary payable through the University. Base salary includes on-scale, off-scale, and above-scale. Eligible earnings do not include pay that is received in addition to the appointee’s regular appointment such as “by agreement” payments, administrative stipends, summer session teaching, and any other cash compensation (e.g., Negotiated Salary Program) received that exceeds 100% of the base salary.
PFCB can only be applied if family medical leave is taken in a block, and the block is a minimum of one (1) workweek.
Active-Service Modified-Duties (ASMD) [APM 760-28]
Active Service Modified-Duties is a period of time during which normal duties may be reduced, in agreement with the department chair, so that faculty members can prepare for and/or care for their newborn, newly-adopted child or a newly-placed foster child. For ladder-rank faculty the modification of duties normally will be either partial or full relief from teaching. To be eligible for ASMD, the faculty member must certify that they are responsible for 50% or more of the care of their child. ASMD should normally be taken within the period extending from three (3) months prior to twelve (12) months following the birth, adoption, or placement. You are eligible for a total period of three (3) quarters for childbearing leave and ASMD. ASMD is not a leave of absence. The faculty member will continue to receive regular base salary during a period of ASMD.
The total period of childbearing/pregnancy disability leave, parental bonding leave and ASMD combined may not exceed one (1) year.
Additional Information for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors
Impact on Tenure Clock:
If the childbearing leave is for one quarter or more, and the faculty member has not already had two years off-the-clock:
The faculty member’s leave entitles them to a one-year [three (3) quarters] extension of their tenure clock. If the faculty member does not want an extension of their tenure clock, they must inform their department chair and divisional academic coordinator in writing before, during, or within one (1) quarter after the leave; otherwise the extension will be automatically added to their record.
Additional Information re. Tenure Clock Extensions:
Extensions to the tenure clock only delay the timing of the mandatory tenure review, they do not delay the timing of merit or reappointment reviews. Additionally, extensions to the tenure clock do not preclude an earlier tenure review if so requested. Questions about timing of your tenure review may be directed to your department.
Family Medical (AY)
Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave [APM 715]
Employees may take leave to care for a family member who has a serious health condition such as an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider and that warrants the participation of the employee to provide supervision or care (which may include psychological care or comfort) during the period of treatment or incapacity.
Family member is defined as:
- FMLA – child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner.
- CFRA – in addition to the family members listed under FMLA, an employee may take CFRA for designated person, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling.
- A “designated person” is any individual related by blood or whose association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship. The employee may identify the designated person at the time of the leave request, and employees are limited to one designated person per calendar year for family and medical leave purposes.
Family medical leave is normally without pay, however employees may elect the following option to continue being paid during this leave:
Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) [APM 715-20].
Faculty members, who are eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA, may receive 100 percent of their eligible earnings* for up to eight (8) workweeks per calendar year of paid leave. This may be used for:
- family medical leave
- military caregiver leave
- parental leave
- qualifying exigency leave
*Eligible earnings include an appointee’s base salary payable through the University. Base salary includes on-scale, off-scale, and above-scale. Eligible earnings do not include pay that is received in addition to the appointee’s regular appointment such as “by agreement” payments, administrative stipends, summer session teaching, and any other cash compensation (e.g., Negotiated Salary Program) received that exceeds 100% of the base salary.
PFCB can only be applied if family medical leave is taken in a block, and the block is a minimum of one (1) workweek.
Own Medical (AY)
Sick Leave/Medical Leave [APM 710]
Faculty members may take leave for their own serious health condition; such as an illness, injury (including on-the-job injuries), impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider.
- Faculty members who have less than ten (10) years of University of California service in a faculty title, are eligible for a maximum of two (2) quarters of paid medical leave within a ten (10) year period.
- Faculty members who have ten (10) or more years of University of California service in a faculty title, are eligible for a maximum of three (3) quarters of paid medical leave within a ten (10) year period.
Faculty members who need additional medical leave beyond their two/three quarters of paid medical leave, may be eligible to receive disability payments from Lincoln Financial (UC’s disability insurer). An outline of how to apply for benefits and what to expect during the disability period can be found at Disability Benefits for Faculty and Other Academic Appointees.
Parental (AY)
Parental Bonding (Childrearing) Leave [APM 760-27]
Faculty members are eligible for parental bonding leave to care for/bond with their newborn, newly-adopted or newly-placed foster child. This leave may be full or part-time and must be concluded within twelve (12) months of the child’s birth, adoption, or placement.
Leaves are normally without pay, however Faculty members may elect to use the following option to continue being paid during this leave:
Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) [APM 715-20]
Faculty members, who are eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA, may receive 100 percent of their eligible earnings* for up to eight (8) workweeks per calendar year of paid leave. This may be used for:
- family medical leave
- military caregiver leave
- parental leave
- qualifying exigency leave
*Eligible earnings include an appointee’s base salary payable through the University. Base salary includes on-scale, off-scale, and above-scale. Eligible earnings do not include pay that is received in addition to the appointee’s regular appointment such as “by agreement” payments, administrative stipends, summer session teaching, and any other cash compensation (e.g., Negotiated Salary Program) received that exceeds 100% of the base salary.
PFCB can only be applied if family medical leave is taken in a block, and the block is a minimum of one (1) workweek.
Active-Service Modified-Duties (ASMD) [APM 760-28]
Active Service Modified-Duties is a period of time during which normal duties may be reduced, in agreement with the department chair, so that Senate Faculty can prepare for and/or care for their newborn, newly-adopted child or a newly-placed foster child. For ladder-rank faculty the modification of duties normally will be either partial or full relief from teaching. To be eligible for ASMD, the faculty member must certify that they are responsible for 50% or more of the care of their child. ASMD should normally be taken within the period extending from three (3) months prior to twelve (12) months following the birth, adoption, or placement. The faculty member is eligible for a total period of ASMD of one (1) quarter. ASMD is not a leave of absence. The faculty member will continue to receive regular base salary during a period of ASMD.
Additional Information for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors
Impact on Tenure Clock:
If the faculty member has no leave associated with the birth/placement/care of the child, or the child arrived in summer, AND has not already had two years off-the-clock:
The faculty member may request a one-year [three (3) quarters] extension of their tenure clock, if they certify they are responsible for 50% or more of the care of the child. They must provide notice of their intent to extend their tenure clock within two (2) years of the child’s birth/placement and before July 1 of the academic year in which their tenure review is scheduled. The request would act to delay their mandatory tenure review by one (1) year.
Additional Information re. Tenure Clock Extensions:
Extensions to the tenure clock only delay the timing of the mandatory tenure review, they do not delay the timing of merit or reappointment reviews. Additionally, extensions to the tenure clock do not preclude an earlier tenure review if so requested. Questions about timing of your tenure review may be directed to your department.
Fiscal Year Employees
Childbearing (FY)
Pregnancy Disability (Childbearing) Leave [APM 760-25]
Faculty members are entitled to up to four (4) months of unpaid Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) for a disability related to pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, as certified by a healthcare provider. For a normal birth the disability period is typically from about two (2) workweeks before until about six (6) workweeks after the birth (eight (8) workweeks for cesarean birth).
Faculty members will receive their approved base salary for up to eight (8) workweeks while on childbearing leave/PDL. Any PDL beyond eight (8) workweeks would be without pay.
Faculty members, who need additional PDL, may be eligible to receive disability payments from Lincoln Financial (UC’s disability insurer). An outline of how to apply for benefits and what to expect during the disability period can be found at Disability Benefits for Faculty and Other Academic Appointees.
Parental Bonding (Childrearing) Leave [APM 760-27]:
Faculty members are eligible for parental bonding leave to care for/bond with their newborn child. This leave may be full or part-time and must be concluded within twelve (12) months of the child’s birth.
Leaves are normally without pay, however faculty members may elect to use any of the following options to continue being paid during this leave:
- Vacation.
- Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) [APM 715-20]
Faculty members, who are eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA, may receive 100 percent of eligible earnings* for up to eight (8) workweeks per calendar year of paid leave. This may be used for:
- family medical leave
- military caregiver leave
- parental leave
- qualifying exigency leave
*Eligible earnings include an appointee’s base salary payable through the University. Base salary includes on-scale, off-scale, and above-scale. Eligible earnings do not include pay that is received in addition to the appointee’s regular appointment such as “by agreement” payments, administrative stipends, summer session teaching, and any other cash compensation (e.g., Negotiated Salary Program) received that exceeds 100% of the base salary.
PFCB can only be applied if family medical leave is taken in a block, and the block is a minimum of one (1) workweek.
Depending on the length of the leave, employees may elect options #1 and #2 to continue being paid.
Active-Service Modified-Duties (ASMD) [APM 760-28]
Active Service Modified-Duties is a period of time during which normal duties may be reduced, in agreement with the department chair, so that faculty members can prepare for and/or care for their newborn, newly-adopted child or a newly-placed foster child. For ladder-rank faculty the modification of duties normally will be either partial or full relief from teaching. To be eligible for ASMD, the faculty member must certify that they are responsible for 50% or more of the care of their child. ASMD should normally be taken within the period extending from three (3) months prior to twelve (12) months following the birth, adoption, or placement. You are eligible for a total period of three (3) quarters for childbearing leave and ASMD. ASMD is not a leave of absence. The faculty member will continue to receive regular base salary during a period of ASMD.
The total period of childbearing/pregnancy disability leave, parental bonding leave and ASMD combined may not exceed one (1) year.
Additional Information for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors
Impact on Tenure Clock:
If the childbearing leave is for one quarter or more, and the faculty member has not already had two years off-the-clock:
The faculty member’s leave entitles them to a one-year [three (3) quarters] extension of their tenure clock. If the faculty member does not want an extension of their tenure clock, they must inform their department chair and divisional academic coordinator in writing before, during, or within one (1) quarter after the leave; otherwise the extension will be automatically added to their record.
Additional Information re. Tenure Clock Extensions:
Extensions to the tenure clock only delay the timing of the mandatory tenure review, they do not delay the timing of merit or reappointment reviews. Additionally, extensions to the tenure clock do not preclude an earlier tenure review if so requested. Questions about timing of your tenure review may be directed to your department.
Family Medical (FY)
Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave [APM 715]
Employees may take leave to care for a family member who has a serious health condition such as an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider and that warrants the participation of the employee to provide supervision or care (which may include psychological care or comfort) during the period of treatment or incapacity.
Family member is defined as:
- FMLA – child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner.
- CFRA – in addition to the family members listed under FMLA, an employee may take CFRA for designated person, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling.
- A “designated person” is any individual related by blood or whose association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship. The employee may identify the designated person at the time of the leave request, and employees are limited to one designated person per calendar year for family and medical leave purposes.
Family Medical Leaves are normally without pay, however Faculty members may elect to use the following option to continue being paid during this leave:
- Vacation.
- Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) [APM 715-20]
Faculty members, who are eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA, may receive 100 percent of eligible earnings* for up to eight (8) workweeks per calendar year of paid leave.This may be used for:
- family medical leave
- military caregiver leave
- parental leave
- qualifying exigency leave
*Eligible earnings include an appointee’s base salary payable through the University. Base salary includes on-scale, off-scale, and above-scale. Eligible earnings do not include pay that is received in addition to the appointee’s regular appointment such as “by agreement” payments, administrative stipends, summer session teaching, and any other cash compensation (e.g., Negotiated Salary Program) received that exceeds 100% of the base salary.
PFCB can only be applied if family medical leave is taken in a block, and the block is a minimum of one (1) workweek.
Depending on the length of the leave, employees may elect options #1 and #2 to continue being paid.
Own Medical (FY)
Sick Leave/Medical Leave [APM 710]
Faculty members may take leave for their own serious health condition; such as an illness, injury (including on-the-job injuries), impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider.
- Faculty members who have less than ten (10) years of University of California service in a faculty title, are eligible for a maximum of six (6) months of paid medical leave within a ten (10) year period.
- Faculty members who have ten (10) or more years of University of California service in a faculty title, are eligible for a maximum of twelve (12) months of paid medical leave within a ten (10) year period.
Faculty members, who need additional medical leave, may be eligible to receive disability payments from Lincoln Financial (UC’s disability insurer). An outline of how to apply for benefits and what to expect during the disability period can be found at Disability Benefits for Faculty and Other Academic Appointees.
Parental (FY)
Parental Bonding (Childrearing) Leave [APM 760-27]
Faculty members are eligible for parental bonding leave to care for/bond with their newborn, newly-adopted or newly-placed foster child. This leave may be full or part-time and must be concluded within twelve (12) months of the child’s birth, adoption, or placement.
Leaves are normally without pay, however faculty members may elect to use any of the following options to continue being paid during this leave:
- Vacation.
- Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) [APM 715-20]
Faculty members, who are eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA, may receive 100 percent of eligible earnings* for up to eight (8) workweeks per calendar year of paid leave. This may be used for:
- family medical leave
- military caregiver leave
- parental leave
- qualifying exigency leave
*Eligible earnings include an appointee’s base salary payable through the University. Base salary includes on-scale, off-scale, and above-scale. Eligible earnings do not include pay that is received in addition to the appointee’s regular appointment such as “by agreement” payments, administrative stipends, summer session teaching, and any other cash compensation (e.g., Negotiated Salary Program) received that exceeds 100% of the base salary.
PFCB can only be applied if family medical leave is taken in a block, and the block is a minimum of one (1) workweek.
Depending on the length of the leave, employees may elect options #1 and #2 to continue being paid.
Active-Service Modified-Duties (ASMD) [APM 760-28]
Active Service Modified-Duties is a period of time during which normal duties may be reduced, in agreement with the department chair, so that faculty members can prepare for and/or care for their newborn, newly-adopted child or a newly-placed foster child. For ladder-rank faculty the modification of duties normally will be either partial or full relief from teaching. To be eligible for ASMD, the faculty member must certify that they are responsible for 50% or more of the care of their child. ASMD should normally be taken within the period extending from three (3) months prior to twelve (12) months following the birth, adoption, or placement. The faculty member is eligible for a total period of ASMD of one (1) quarter. ASMD is not a leave of absence. The faculty member will continue to receive regular base salary during a period of ASMD.
Additional Information for Assistant Professors and Assistant Teaching Professors
Impact on Tenure Clock:
If the faculty member has no leave associated with the birth/placement/care of the child, or the child arrived in summer, AND has not already had two years off-the-clock:
The faculty member may request a one-year [three (3) quarters] extension of their tenure clock, if they certify they are responsible for 50% or more of the care of the child. They must provide notice of their intent to extend their tenure clock within two (2) years of the child’s birth/placement and before July 1 of the academic year in which their tenure review is scheduled. The request would act to delay their mandatory tenure review by one (1) year.
Additional Information re. Tenure Clock Extensions:
Extensions to the tenure clock only delay the timing of the mandatory tenure review, they do not delay the timing of merit or reappointment reviews. Additionally, extensions to the tenure clock do not preclude an earlier tenure review if so requested. Questions about timing of your tenure review may be directed to your department.
Important Leave Information
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
FMLA and CFRA provide for up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave in the calendar year (January – December) to care for yourself or a family member with a serious medical condition, baby bonding, and pregnancy disability.
To be eligible for leave under FMLA/CFRA, an employee must have worked for the University for at least twelve (12) months and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the twelve (12) months preceding the leave. FMLA/CFRA leave is unpaid unless otherwise noted below.
Health and Welfare Benefits
Paid leave:
- UC will continue to cover its share of premium costs for health and welfare benefits.
Unpaid leave:
- if it is covered under FMLA/CFRA, the employee will need to continue paying the employee share of the premium payments.
- if it’s not covered under FMLA/CFRA, the employee will need to pay UC’s contribution in addition to the employee share of the premium payments.
When you are going to take a leave without pay, you must take action to ensure UC knows your intent to continue or cancel any benefits for which you are eligible. When your leave without pay information is confirmed, you will be automatically mailed a statement from the UCPath Center ( to your home address. This Benefits Billing statement contains the information, instructions and deadlines for continuing or canceling your benefits coverage during your leave.
- If you will not be at home to receive your Benefits Billing statement, it is your responsibility to call the UCPath Center directly for assistance at 1-855-982-2329 (Mon – Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or you may request help through the Ask UC Path Center feature.
- If you have questions about how going on leave affects your health and welfare benefits, you may call the UCSC Benefits Office at 831-459-2013.
- If you are canceling your health and welfare benefits as a result of this leave, please remember to reinstate the benefits the month you return to pay status (see dates above).
How To Request a Leave
start the leave request process, please email the following information to
- Type of leave (childbearing, family medical, own medical, parental).
- Anticipated start and end date of your leave.
- If you would like to set up a consultation with a Leave Analyst to go over leave options and answer any questions you may have.
You can expect to receive additional information and further instructions regarding your leave request within two business days of sending your email.
Once your request and appropriate documentation have been submitted and approved by the APO Leave Team, and prior to the start of your leave, you will receive an official approval letter outlining the details of your leave.