President’s Postdoctoral Fellows Hiring Incentive Program

Last updated 9/7/22

UCSC Guidelines for Hiring President’s or Chancellors’ Postdoctoral Fellows

Information about the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, as well as a complete list of eligible President’s and Chancellors’ postdoctoral fellows is available at

General Guidelines for the Program

  • Eligible candidates are current or former President’s Postdoctoral Fellows since 1996 or Chancellors’ Postdoctoral Fellows since 2005.
  • Fellows are to be considered for ladder-rank faculty positions effective beginning July 1, 2023 and continuing through 2025-26.
  • Fellows are not eligible if they currently hold a ladder-rank appointment at a UC campus.
  • Eligible fellows may be hired either through an open search or from targeted outreach efforts; for the latter, a waiver of open recruitment is preauthorized for eligible candidates.
  • Salary dollars will be allocated at the Assistant Professor III level for appointments paid on the Regular professorial salary scale and at the Assistant Professor II level for appointments paid on the Business, Economics, and Engineering professorial salary scale. The affiliated division will assume the costs of any upgrades.
  • Hires may be made at all ranks, assistant through full; however, divisional allocation of salary dollars remains at the same assistant level.

Campus Procedures

If an eligible fellow is hired as the top candidate from an open search, no additional request for recruitment authorization is required. If an eligible fellow is proposed as an additional hire from an open search or is identified as the result of targeted outreach efforts, the hiring dean must submit an off-cycle recruitment authorization request to the CP/EVC. Start-up will be covered per normal campus policy. Although a waiver of recruitment has been preauthorized, budgetary approval, including consultation with the Senate Committee on Planning and Budget, is required. The request should detail how the proposed hire will be consistent with departmental plans and divisional priorities, including current recruitment plans, and it must also identify how the FTE will be funded at the end of the five-year period.

All hires under the President’s Postdoctoral Fellows Hiring Incentive Program will follow normal departmental and CAP review. The criteria for appointment are the same as other appointments and are found in APM 210 at

UCSC Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applicants for President’s Postdoctoral Fellowships who are highly competitive but are not awarded Presidential Fellowships may be considered for Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowships. These fellowships can be either campus funded or externally funded. Please see https://academicaffairs. postdoctoral_fellowships/ index.html for additional information. Please note that the application process is through the Presidential Postdoctoral Program, there is no direct application for a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship.

This includes issuance memos and other communications regarding this program.

Last modified: Nov 21, 2024