Timesheets and Leave Reporting


CruzPay is UCSC’s online time and leave reporting system. 

Who Uses CruzPay?

  • Academic non-student monthly employees who accrue leave (vacation, sick leave, personal time off).
  • Salaried academic student employees (short term leave, paid time off, leave no pay).
  • Academic hourly employees on the biweekly pay cycle.

You should have access to CruzPay once your hire is complete in UCPath. You will access the system using your CruzID/@ucsc email credentials. You and your supervisor will receive automated email reminders to submit and approve your timesheet (sent to @ucsc email only).

Additional information is linked here:

Non-CruzPay Time & Leave Reporting

Some scenarios require a non-CruzPay timesheet or leave reporting form. Your Academic HR Timekeeper will contact you if this is the case.

Monthly Academic Employees

Academic non-student monthly employees submit a leave report timesheet at the end of each month to report absences (vacation, sick leave, personal time off) of one full day or more, or to confirm no leave taken. Please arrange your work schedule with your supervisor. Time off requires approval by your supervisor before taking the time off. Submit a blank leave reporting timesheet if you do not take any leave that month.

Find your accrual balance in the Time-Off Balances tab in your CruzPay timesheet and the UCPath Portal. Sick leave over one week may require an approved leave of absence. Contact the Academic Personnel Leave Analyst at apoleave@ucsc.edu.

Salaried academic student monthly employees (Graduate Student Researchers, Teaching Assistants, Associate Instructors) submit a leave report timesheet at the end of each month to report absences of one full day or more from your salaried academic student appointment(s). Please arrange your work schedule with your supervisor. Scheduled time off requires approval by your supervisor before taking the time off.  The relevant provisions in the UC-UAW collective bargaining agreements concerning leaves can be found here (TA/GSI – Leaves, GSR – Leaves, GSR- Personal Time Off).

For planned long-term leave (greater than five days), contact the Academic Personnel Leave Analyst at apoleave@ucsc.edu.

Biweekly Academic Employees

Academic non-student hourly employees report hours worked and leave taken based on your appointment percent (e.g., 100% time appointment is 8 hours daily; 50% time is 4 hours). Please arrange your work schedule with your supervisor. Time off requires approval by your supervisor before taking the time off. The biweekly pay periods are two weeks long, beginning on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday. Your CruzPay timesheet shows the dates of each pay period. 

Hourly academic student employees (Readers and Tutors) report only hours worked on a timesheet submitted at the end of each biweekly pay period. Please arrange your work schedule with your supervisor. You must submit a timesheet by the end of each biweekly pay period in order to get paid.

This includes additional memos and other communications regarding time and leave reporting.

Last modified: Mar 11, 2025